Chapter 2

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I gazed once more at my petite figure, I was currently standing in front of the mirror, wondering if the white shirt, black jersey, and denim skinny jeans looked good enough for the first day of school Why was I even trying so hard.

"Hey, why do you look like grandma with skinnies on." Nathan says casually, leaning against my door frame.

"hey why do you look like a bitch." I shot back evily and his once smirking and confident facade fell and was now replaced by a very annoyed one as he glared at me.

"damn she got you bad." Luara says as she comes into view and then pats Nathan on the back. "hey you actually look nice, your outfit is simple and it looks like your not trying to hard." Luara says smiling at me.

"thanks sis, you look as beautiful as ever." I shoot back. She was always so beautiful, she wore a blue floral dress that reached just below her knees and white Nike airforces. She looked really really beautiful, sometimes I often got jealous over how beautiful she was.

"why thank you, I try." she says sending me a confident smile.

"well if you two are done kissing each others asses then can we please go to school, I don't want to be late on the first day." Nathan cut in.

"ooh well you see I'm kinda getting a ride with my friend Olivia, the girl I met yesterday." Olivia and I had spoken almost the whole night last night while texting and she offered to drive me to school since she passed our house everyday to get to school and she said we'd bond more.

"wait is this Olivia girl hot?" he questioned seriously. I was about to slap him but Luara beat me to it and slapped the back of his head.

"hey buddy!, we've only been here two days keep it in your pants." she says glaring at him. One thing Luara has perfected from our mother was the "mum stare" I swear it looked super dangerous, as if she was going to kill you and steal your soul but only with her eyes, so I understand why Nathan kept quiet.

I grabbed my backpack and headed to my mums room.

"hey mum I'm catching a ride with Olivia today." I say as I stood at the door frame.

"ooh that nice girl I met yesterday. I really like her." she says, she always did look good in her doctors uniform. My mother was the best vet I knew. "fine but just make sure you guys get to school safe." she says finally putting on her last ear ring and walking towards me. "have a great first day sweety." she said as she embraced me in her always so warm motherly hug.

"we can see whose her favorite now." Nathan murmurs from behind us and and we chuckle.

"come on in here you big monkey." my mother says extending her other hand for Nathan.

"no mum I'm not really a hugge-." he was snatched by my mum as she pulled him into our little group hug.

"hey I want a piece of this action." Luara says as she joins.

This was what my family was like. Sure 44‰ of the time they acted like complete idiots but 56% they were loving freaks.

"okay get your asses to school. Have a good day i love you all." she says while walking back into her room and continues getting ready.

Just then I here Olivias car pull up.

"that's my ride." I say starting to walk downstairs.

"wait!." Nathan says, I turn around to give him a confused look. "I need to see if she's hot." oh heavens above save me from this lunatic.

I walked out the door before hearing Nathan scream at luara that they were leaving as well.

"hey!" Olivia screams from out her car. I wave back with a smile.

"damn she's hot." Nathan says to himself rather than anyone else.

"whatever. See you guys at school." I yell as I speed walked to Olivia's sleek black amg, yep definitely betting that she's stinking rich , although money never mattered to me.

"hey." I say as I get into her car.

"I hate you." she glares at me and I laugh at her very sudden change in mood.

"what I do?" I chuckled as I gazed at her and she huffed.

"why didn't you tell me that your brother is hot." I face palmed myself while rolling my eyes.

"just shut up and drive." I laugh and she suddenly bursts out in laughter to.

"I'm so going to be Mrs May when I marry yo brothers fine ass." lord save me. These two actually seem perfect for each other.

"oh please your telling me your gonna try and tame that man whore." I smirk.

"baby I can tame anything with two legs.... Well three if you know what I'm saying." oh lord save me now. Please take me Jesus.

"what the heck." I burst out laughing. "your so crazy Olivia." I said wiping the tears away from my eyes.

"the craziest but I'm just joking, well barely but anyways how are you feeling?" she asked with concern in her voice.

"well if I think about it now I'm kinda nervous, okay maybe a lot nervous but still it's hard being the new girl when I've never been the new girl before." I say chuckling nervously at the end.

"don't worry in Middle Lake High everyone's really nice well 75% are nice but ya know you get the bitch squads here and there and the assholes as well." she said laughing. She was trying to reassure me I was going to be okay and if I was being honest it sort of was helping me to cope with my nervous emotions. "we're here." she says, a normal looking school came into view with its red brick frame but this was slightly more modern.

"this place is kinda nice." I say.

"yeah you'll see how nice it is when the guys start trying to flirt with you. Listen Kace." she says seriously referring to me by her new nick name shes given me. " look your like really beautiful and a lot of guys are going to try and get you but these guys here just want sex and I'm sure your not that type of girl." she says as if shes spoken from experience.

"okay I won't give them a lead." I say smiling reassuringly. I mean she did have a great point.

"okay let's get your first day of school over and done with, remember we're doing site seeing after school." she says as she parks her car and we get out.

"how could I forget." I say smiling like crazy. Back in Toronto I hardly went out and now I'm finally feeling like a normal teenager.

"must be my lucky day." a guy handsome guy says as he steps suddenly in front of us. His hazel eyes looked so adorable and his brown hair was cut short.

"ooh Jax can you like go away." Olivia groaned.

"not until you introduce me to this beautiful young lady right here." he said smirking at me. I just smiled politely at him, I wouldn't want anyone to get the impression that I was the stuck up new bitch.

"she's a girl that's new. Now that we're done here I'll see you in mmm never." well she was quite Savage to say the least.

Jax huffed and walked away before shooting me a smirk and a wink to go along.

"who was that?." I asked. Not in a oh my God I've found my husband way but more of in a curious way.

"that's Jax Mckenzie, one of the man whores." she says rolling her eyes as we pushed at the schools doors and it opened.

It wasn't like the whole cliche thing as in where I walk in and everyone just stares at me but a few people looked at me with a curious look obviously they didn't know me so that was the spark to their curiosity.

"okay so let's go to the office and get your schedule." Olivia says as we head to the office.

Okay time to get this first day over and done with.

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