Chapter 5

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"Hey Kacey, you okay?" Olivia said as she gazed at me suspiciously while we sat in the cafeteria amongst all these loud and harmonal infused teenagers.

"yeah yeah I'm fine." I say, still shocked from what happened this morning. I wasn't even tired. I was just lost for words.

"What's up, ladies?" Jax says as he takes a seat next to Olivia. He really was handsome, but not like Bear, okay, im was I comparing bear to other guys now?.

"What are you doing here, Jax?" Olivia says as she faces palms herself.

"I'm just trying to get to know you, Olivia. Plus you don't talk to me anymore and we were best friends." he frowns as a guilty look crosses Olivia's face.

"Don't listen to him. Olivia his still emotional." I hear a manly voice behind me as suddenly a very, very, very attractive guy sits next to me. Well damn!. This guy was gorgeous but not like Bear. Oh gosh, I'm doing this comparison thing all over again. This unknown model has really piercing green eyes and dark blonde hair. "Hey, I'm Chris." he says as he holds out his hand for me to shake it.

"Kacey." I say before shaking his hand and smiling. I had to take another peak to just look at his body as well. I'm sure there was a ck model kind of built under that tight fit white shirt, but not like bears body, OKAY! STOP KACEY.

"You guys suck. Who would you all leave Sam and I like that with those annoying dick heads." I now turn to see two new guys who are also model quality. What the fuck is wrong with this place and it's huge supply of good looking people.

The guy whose name was Sam was super cute, he had black hair with ocena blue eyes and the guy who had spoke had brown hair with hazel eyes, he looked really similar to Jax and what a surprise that they both had muscular builts, does like everybody have a gym in their house or something.

"oh hey you must be the new girl Kacey, I'm Jake and this is Sam." the boy who spoke before said. "I'm that idiots twin brother." he said as he shakes my hand and I smile at him, I wave at Sam and he winks at me.

"hi." is all I reply, this was completely unexpected. Olivia and I were siting alone at the cafeteria and then we are suddenly joined by Greek gods that would make ck models jealous but they weren't as good looking as Bear, okay im just gonna go on with the comparison thing.

"hey Ollie, how come I haven't seen you around lately." Jake says to Olivia talking to her so freely as if they were good friends.

"I've been at the arts program during the summer, I was busy." she says smiling in a very friendly way at him yep definitely friends.

"how come you always talk to him so nicly." Jax groans, clearly very jealous of the relationship his brother and Olivia share.

"because he isn't a back stabber like how you are." she says viciously while sending daggers his way with her eyes.

"it was 9th grade Olivia!" he huffs in frustration.

"okay you two shut up and solve your gossip girl problems some other time because I would love to eat this amazing barito in peace." Chris says and the both of them shut up. He looks my way and smirks.

Nope, don't even blush kacey

Kacey don't blush

Kacey don't do it I'm warning you!

Yep I've totally turned all red, I probably look like a tomato. That don't do it talk didn't work out so great as I looked away shamelessly.

"so Kacey where are you from?" Jake asks enthusiastically with a slight smirk. I can't even believe the most good looking guys in the school and possibly the world are sitting a few inches away from me. Okay so. Maybe Bear was better looking then all of them but they were sort of alive and well Bear wasn't.

"California." I reply with a slight smile. I hope I'm not coming across as the snobby girl who things to much of herself.

"aww cool that's why you have a flawless tan." he chuckles and everyone nods their heads in agreement. "so why did you move to this shabby old Town?". He says a slight shimmer of suspicion flashing through his eyes.

"well this town didn't have a vet and it desperately needed one so my mum took the job. Our life In California was to bland I guess and we decided to come here. I mean we loved California all our family members live there but we are big outdoorsman and when we heard that this place has the most beautiful forest we just had to take the opportunity." why don't you add your whole life story to that Kacey. I turned even more red as Sam sent me one of those really sexy smirks. What is up with these boys.

"I would do anything to live in California." Olivia says, staring off into complete nothingness as if she was in a dream.

"it's not that grand, sometimes it's way to hot for my liking." I say chuckling slightly.

"well now that your here now you should come with us to the cave." Chris says smirking at me. What is it with this boy and smirking.

"the cave?" I ask with confusion written all over my face.

"oh gosh." Olivia huffs as she rolls her eyes. "these dweebs and I were like all really close friends when we were kids and one day we explored further then we did before and hiked the mountain, soon enough we found a slight cave, it's not deep at all in fact it isn't really a cave it's more of a Rocky igloo missing half on its one side but we call it the cave and sometimes we have like small parties with close friends there or we hang out after school, well at least we used to." she says frowning as she looks down.

"well us four guys still do, Olivia is just always to busy to hang out with her childhood friends." Jax says rolling his eyes. Olivia sends him a glare sticking her tongue out at him as well in the process.

"okay ill come as long as Olivia comes as well." I smirk evily at her. She gives me the "are you for real" look and I just smirk even more.

"good luck with That, I've been trying to get her to come and hang out with us for years." Jake says chuckling.

"well if she doesn't come I won't be buying her those donuts I promised after school." I smirk, knowingly that while we were in the car this morning I said that we both would go for donuts after school.

"you wouldn't." she says almost about to choke on her food.

"ooh but I would." I fake a pout and cant help the smirk that follows after.

"fine." she huffs and I mentally high five myself.

"WHAT!?." Jake looked like he had just lost his puppy as he semi shouted. "all it took for you to come was food, all this time if I had only asked if you wanted food." he says dragging a hand down his face. I giggle at him, it was as if he was the spark of the group, Sam would be the mysterious one since so far he hasn't spoken a word, Chris is like the smirking player although it did seem that all four of these boys were heart beakers, Jake would be the lovable friend Jax seemed like the leader almost.

"only a girl can understand another." I smirk at him. "okay so it's settled, Olivia and I will meet you guys at this cave place after school."

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