Chapter 11

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"So my real name is Braxton Harrington?" Bear asked. Wait, his name is Braxton. Should I call him Bear or Braxton. Why the hell is everything so confusing in my life.

"Yeah," I say, smiling to him softly. We were currently seating by my window as our legs were tangled in each other's. I had just told him everything I found out, and he seemed relieved almost but mostly sad.

"This whole time, my family were mourning me," he says sadly, and I felt my heart drop for him. I couldn't imagine what he was feeling.

"I'm sorry bea- Braxton," I corrected myself, and he looked at me for a second, probably trying to get used to his new name.

"It's weird," he chuckles before carrying on. "Thinking my names bear when actu-" suddenly he groaned as his hand went flying to grab his head. He squeezed his eyes shut, looking as if he was in pain.

"What's wrong? What's happening!?" i asked as I held onto his shoulders, making sure he didn't fall. He was in pain, and I was freaking out.

"I I I," he started to stutter, and then he just went limp in my arms, and I almost screamed. I checked to see if he had a pulse, and he did. Oh, thank you, sweet jesus. I freaked out a little and put him in a comfortable position before I ran to luaras room, luckily she was awake on her phone.

"luara, it's bear. He just passed out after I told him everything, and he looked like he was in pain," I said really fast. She looked concerned as she threw off her blanket and came with me to my room.

"I think his just passed out," she says after analyzing him.

"I hope so," i said, touching my necklace, looking at him with sadness.

"he'll be fine, kac. I think he was just overwhelmed by everything.

Yeah, she was right.

"Here, help me get him on the bed." I nodded my head, and luara grabbed his legs while I grabbed his arms. Our faces turned red as tomatoes as we lifted up bear, gee all that muscle was heavier than it looked.

"Oh my God," luara gasped as we finally plopped him on my bed.

"I know," I say tiredly.

"Kacey, you look tired, get some rest, will you?" she said, placing a hand on my shoulder with concern in her voice and her expression.

"Yeah, I will." she smiled and left my room, closing my door softly.

I lay myself next to bear. He was so handsome, and even as he was passed out currently he looked even more handsome. I slowly felt myself go off into a sleep, not before grabbing bears'  ever so gently.


My eyes fluttered open as the sunlight hit my face. I felt refreshed as I got out of bed and sighed. I looked at a sleeping bear as - WAIT WHAT!. I looked at him again to make sure he was really here and was completely shocked to see him sleeping soundlessly on my bed. What the actual fuck of fucks. It was 7 o'clock and he was still here. How is this even possible.

Well alot of impossible things have been happening don't you think, idiot.

Shut up voice in my head!

I was losing it. I almost ran to luaras only to see her asleep. I pushed her of her bed frantically as she plopped on the ground with a thud.

"the fuck" she gasped as she shot up and looked at me angrily.

"his still here!" I Whisper shouted to her.

"huh?" she asked confused. Her hair was messed up like a birds nest and I'd like to think this was the only time luara looked like shit.

"bear, his still here and not turned into a pile of dust" I say pulling her towards my room and closing my door gently.

"You're joking" she said as she gazed at him sleeping with one hand over his eyes.

"what are we going to do" I said moving around in my room frantically. I swear I was about to have a nervous break down.

"let's just wake him up first" she says going to the side was sleeping and gently pushing him a little to wake him up.

"uh huh" he says in a sleepy and mind you very sexy voice- okay not the time Kacey.

"bear get up" luara said and he got up gently looking around confused as ever.

"how am I" he trialed off as his eyes went wide. "I'm alive, wait im alive after sunset?" he looked to me with a huge smile and I felt my heart flutter.

"yeah, and I have no clue how this is happening" I say running my hands through my hair.

"well I might" luara says thoughtfully. "I think it's because you know who you are, it's like you have a sense of belonging now thus why you haven't disappeared as yet" damn why was she so smart. Ugh I wished I had her brain, and looks.

"I remember everything to" he whispers more to himself than anyone else but we heard him.

"you remember who you were?" i question.

"yes and not only that but everything. I remember my family, my school... Everything" he says smiling but then his smile drops a little. "we use to live here" he says looking at luara and i. "we were moving out to New York because my dad had just gotten a new job and my sister and I were just leaving to go. We had the last boxes with us but then we crashed into the lake. We were in which a rush that we had forgotten about how dangerous it was" everything started to make sense. He knew who he was and he could live a normal life now. I was more than thrilled.

"bear this is amazing" I say smiling as I sit next to him and take his hand in mines. "you know who you are now"

"yeah that's all great" luara said eyeing me. "but um how are we gonna tell mum. I mean we can't just go up to her and be like hi mum Kacey found this blue eyed dead but now alive boy, can we keep him" she was right. We needed a plan and we needed one fast.

"we need to think of something" I said. "let's bunk school today, we'll just tell mum that we want a break from being new at school. She'll understand" I said to luara.

"okay, I'll go tell her" she said running off.

"are you okay?" I asked bear who took my hand as I held his.

"I don't know" he said looking down at the floor with a monotonous expression. "I remember my friends and family but they all must be old now, it's been 30 years Kacey" the dread of this all was evident in his voice.

"well the way I see it is that you died in that lake and that witch that died so long ago gave you shot at doing it all over again, her timing was a bit off though" I chuckle at the last part trying to lighten up the mood.

"yeah you're right, a secound chance to life" he says smiling and i smiled at to.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15 ⏰

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