Mr. Steal Your Best Friend

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Thursday, March 27, 2014

Time. (n): the measured or measurable period during which an action, process, or condition exists or continues. Lately, with everything I had going on, it seemed as though I didn't have enough of it. My dispensary was up and running and was doing really well. In just 3 months, I had already made back what Erik spent to buy and renovate it, plus about $750K extra. On top of all of this, trying to get this extra ass wedding that Erik wanted was beyond stressful. Thank God for my Aly'Sha.
Aly'Sha was a Jane of all trades, much like myself. She was an athletic trainer for the NFL, working mostly with the New York Giants and the Carolina Panthers, but when she was home in LA she was overseer of the interns working in my lab. She was also my sanity, the one thing keeping my head on straight while Erik was away on yet another JSOP mission. We were currently seated in the living room of Erik's condo in Oakland going over wedding plans when her phone buzzed in her lap.
"I hope you don't mind, but I invited my best friend over," she said looking over at me.
"That's fine. You know Lil' Hot Cheeto is always welcome in my home," I replied with a giggle. Hot Cheeto was the nickname that I'd given Odell the first time I met him, for obvious reasons.
"ALY'SHA!!" His loud voice boomed from the other side of the door. She rolled her eyes at his antics, before opening it.
"Why you gotta be so country?" she asked as she hugged him.
"Hi, Odell," I called from the couch.
"Thickums!" he exclaimed, before engulfing me in one of his signature bear hugs.
"I hope you don't mind, but I brought my boy Trey along," he stated, gesturing to the man standing to his left. He was a little cutie, dressed in an olive green bomber jacket with the matching hoodie underneath, jeans, and olive green sneakers.
"Hi, I'm Hennessy," I stated, extending my hand out to him to shake.
"Every nigga's favorite brown liquor," he replied, taking my hand and placing a gentle kiss on my knuckles.
"I'm Tremaine but niggas call me Trey."
"Calm down before you end up Mr. Dead in A Grave for fucking with Erik's girl," Odell warned, taking a seat on the couch beside Aly'Sha.
"Oh so this is the one?" Trey asked in an amused tone that took me by surprise.
"What's that supposed to mean?" I questioned, trying to maintain my annoyance at his tone.
"Calm down baby girl, I didn't mean any disrespect. I just know E and it takes one hell of a woman to tie him down," he explained. I relaxed at this because he was right. Erik had been a thot of legendary proportions and though I never admitted it to anyone, I was secretly waiting for Ashton Kutcher to jump out and tell me that I was being Punk'd.
We spent the rest of the afternoon going over design details of the wedding, Odell and Trey lending male opinions here and there. For the first time since Erik left, I relaxed. It was nice to have companionship when my favorite human was away and Trey and I clicked instantly. We fell into swing of cracking jokes and laughing like we'd been best friends for years and it was nice. As I joke, I sent a text to Erik, knowing he probably wouldn't be able to read it until a few days from now.

 As I joke, I sent a text to Erik, knowing he probably wouldn't be able to read it until a few days from now

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