"Your going to regret losing me" Past

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"I love you, Star" Jakes words repeated over and over inside my head, making me blush all over again. Without realizing, I let out a squeal of giddiness, as I skipped down the sidewalk to my favorite coffee shop.The place he took me to on our first date. I noticed people give me weird stares, but I was beyond happy. He said he loved me for the first time today. On our third year anniversary too! Im probably acting like an excited fangirl right now, but I have good reasons. I'm in love.

Ever since I was a little girl, I dreamed of what my future husband would look like. I was so dead set on finding a love like in the storybooks. The prince charming. Since I've found him so early on in my sixteen years of living, I'm beyond cheerful.

I'm meeting my older sister, Stella, at the coffee shop now.I took out a piece of gum from my bag, before putting it in my mouth, and chewing it slowly. To be honest, I didn't really want to go. Even though she's my sister, she never treats me like it. Then again, my parents never treat me like their daughter. Maybe its a hereditary thing. Maybe they will stop mentally abusing me one day. I have faith that they will change. After all, I still love them, despite everything . Even my sister.

My long black hair whipped around my face. My hair had always been long. Around my butt area. Jake says thats his favorite physical feature about me. He says he loves to run his fingers through it. I felt my cheeks heat up at the thought. I'm so head over heels for him, theirs no denying it. My sister would tease me about it, and not in a joking sisterly way. More like she was annoyed. I don't know why though.

Finally, I made it to the coffee shop, opening the front door. The bell jingled, signaling a knew customer. Their were couples here and their, and other people, but it wasn't too crowded. I scanned the crowd, trying to pick out my sisters head at each individual table. I finally spotted her at the other end, with a different guy sitting across from her, but I couldn't see who it was. I didn't know that she brought someone else, I thought.

Not thinking anything of it, I simply walked over to the table, my sister seeming to not notice me, though it seemed a little fake, but I brushed it off. I heard her giggles as I got closer, now standing behind the mystery man. Before I could open my mouth to introduce my self, the familiar voice made my heart stop momentarily. The guy leaned across the table, tucking a strand of my sisters long blonde hair behind her ear, and mumbled flirtatiously, just like he did to me "I love your long hair." Stella looked up at me as if seeing me for the first time, and acted out a surprised face." Oh, Star, I didn't see you their" At the mention of my name, Jakes head whipped around, to see my tear stained, broken face.

His mouth dropped open in shock, before he tried to redeem himself. "Star, just let me explain" I gulped, adrenaline now pumping through my veins. Is this what hatred feels like? Whats wrong with me, for him to cheat on me, with my own sister! Am I too nice? Am I too timid? Too shy? Maybe it's the way I look. I'm everything my sister isn't.

My sister spoke up, interrupting my self hatred "I'm sorry little sis, I think he was looking for someone more...experienced" She cackled right after the blow. So just because I'm a not experienced in relationships, he doesn't want me? Now that I think about it, I was practically being controlled by his opinions. He liked my long hair, I kept it, even when I wanted to cut it.He chose the goodie goodie outfits that he liked on me, and I wore them, just for his approval. But, who knows how many girls he's told that too. That must be his go too line.

I did something that surprised both of them. Something i thought I would never do, to anyone. I slapped him. Hard. I've never physically or emotionally hurt someone intentionally. Is it bad that it felt good? Stella gasped, while Jake held his cheek in astonishment, gawking at me. I stared at my own hand in astonishment, before chuckling, making them give me scared glances.I turned my attention to Jake, not sparing my sister a glance, getting close to his face. "Your going to regret losing me. And thats a promise".

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