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Kai's POV

"Dude.. Nicki's ass is fake" I pushed the heaving door out of the way.

"Doesn't matter. When I slap it, it will feel real" Davian smirked.

"Her, Iggy, me.." He let's out that horrible whistle and I can't help but laugh.

"You're laughing now dude but once those asses are mine, we'll see who's laughing."

"Yeahh.. Right. Remind me why my bestfriend is dating your ass again.." It's surprising how much of a womanizer this guy is and still manage to keep Angie for two years.

"Cause am Aw-SOME" His ego so huge it's hilarious.

"You on drugs dude?" No way could I say that with a straight face.

"Yeaa man. Viagra."

What?? I was in some girl's locker by now. I couldn't control my laughter.

"That my friend, is why you're my best bud"

"Who says best bud and keeps a straight face"

I shoved this dick in the classroom. We found our seats but we were still laughing. For what? We don't know! That's just us man.

"Good Morning students." Mrs Bernard interrupted our laughter and everyone's conversations.

"Correction.. Nicki, Iggy and Mrs Bernard. Epic!" Davian did that thing with his eyes.

"Gentlemen. Am I interrupting something."

"Actually Mrs Bernard, we were just admiring your gorgeous ass-ets and that bright future you have behind you."

Everyone laughed. This guy is so plain!

Mrs Bernard blushed?? Like what the f...

"Anyways students. I have your test results back."

The entire class groaned.

"No need for that. You all did well." There was cheering.

"As a matter of fact, we have a scholar amongst us." Georgia cleared her throat and sat up proudly. You thought Davian's ego was sky-high, you haven't met Georgia Gray. She's a blonde and a total nerd, not like anything is wrong with that but believe me when I say arrogant. She's hot though and that's the sad part.. You can't be good looking and arrogant. Pick one. Take Davian for example. The dude is my friend but he ain't smart.

"Kai Layne. Congratulations"

There was a cheer and I was shocked as fluff! 100% ? Damn! I beat Georgia? Damn. I gladly accepted my paper and checked to see if the teacher didn't mix up my name. I glanced over at Georgia's face. Man the look on here face was priceless!

"Handsome, footballer, singer, charming and now a smart ass. Is there anything Kai Layne can't do?" Amber, brunette girl with deep green eyes said to class. The girls giggled and admired me. I gave them my best smile.

I could feel Lucie's eyes burning my neck. "Careful Kai, these girls are out to steal you from Hayley"

Her words were filled with so much jealousy that I couldn't help but to laugh. Her cheeks turned bright red as I slowly turned around to her and ran my hands through my brown hair. I smiled, showing off my dimples. I got her locked in my gaze. I could read her deep brown eyes and it was filled with longing. I knew she liked me. Poor Lucie.

"Nahh. No one can." I didn't stay to see her reaction but I could feel it. She was crushed. What can I say, I know these things.


"Dude that was the most..." Davian was cut off.

"Um Kai.. Can I speak to you?" Hayley's words were so soft. Her brown eyes were filled with emotions. Why? What was wrong? Shit!

"Talk to later man. I gotta go find my hot stuff anyways" Davian got the hint and left. I grabbed Hayley by the hand. Her hair was in a ponytail and she was in her denim and Ts. Wow, what a difference from yesterday. I couldn't help but smile. Just a half smile. She obviously dress hot yesterday to impress me. But why?

"Honey, are you okay?" I didn't take my eyes from hers. She however, couldn't look me in the eyes.

"There is something I wanted to ask you since fa-ever but I know it's ridiculous and I know it's nothing but it's been bugging me and I just needed.." She was talking so fast and playing with her hair. She was nervous. I took her by the hands. I fixed her chin gently so that she now has no choice but to look at me.

"Babe, if something is bothering you, just tell me." I flasher her a smile. I carried her to a bench in the halls and sat, placing her on my lap.

"OK." She took a deeeeeeeep breath. Followed by three more.

"Um.. Well.. D-do.. Do you love Angie?"

Wait.. What?? Her words sting me.. Now I'm nervous.. Wait.. I'm nervous???????? Um.. Wait.. Ah?. Do I? Psssh. Nahhh! We jus buddies.. Ever since that day she wanked me in the neck with mud. She's insanely beautiful but psssh no.. No way.. But...... Noooo way!

"Wait.. What? No. She's just my sister." Why would Hayley think that? Then suddenly it hit me..

"This is about yesterday?" I pulled her face closer to mine. Our lips almost touch. "She wanted something from me and it was getting home babe." She was still tense.

I pull her lips closer. "The only girl I love is right in front of me" She smiled so widely and shivered in my arms. She melt away in my arms and I let my lips reach hers. She kissed me like never before then pulled away and locked me in her arms for a hug.

Just then I saw Davian at Angie's locker. I smiled. No way could I be in love with my best friend.

Then they kissed.

and once more

my heart sunk.

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