chapter 4. Normal day what could happen?

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The song has noting to do with the chapter just a little side note.

So the worst about being harassed and humiliated is one thing, but when you get kidnaped and you don't know were you are is another thing.

********A couple hours earlier********

I decided to not go to school today I mean I have a reason to not go I just told my parents that I was not feeling well and they went to work, so I went to have a little walk down the block, I went to go put on some clothes on, i mean it's a normal day what could happen.

I decided to not go to school today I mean I have a reason to not go I just told my parents that I was not feeling well and they went to work, so I went to have a little walk down the block, I went to go put on some clothes on, i mean it's a norma...

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I went outside and started walking down the street I was listening to "Butterfiles" by Queen Naija. I started to sing along to the song.

I just wanna hold you all night long whenever I'm around you."  I was singing to the song, some people I had a good singing voice.

I continued to walk and walk, until I heard footsteps behind me and I was feeling a sense of déjà vu.

The footsteps got louder, and I was waking faster they just got louder and, louder, I felt someone grab me by the waist and said. "If you scream than I will have to hurt you. You got that?" I just nodded my head, and they were pushing me, the voice sounded familiar.

This I the worst that could happen and now I was in deep shit, how could this happen again why, why, and why was all I was thinking, why do the bad things happen to the good people. I wonder why, we just live in a fucked up world and now this is how karma repays me.

That voice though was so familiar why was it so familiar, why so many questions running inside my head, and that random guy said. "Don't try to move or escape, you got that?"

"Yeah, but wait who are you just tell me please I don't to die." I said with my voice breaking.

"Maybe you should shut the fuck up, and don't ask questions, now listen to me and you won't get hurt or maybe you will." "By the way shut don't go up." I said sarcastically and smart.

"You are really testing my patience, and don't by a smart little bitch. You don't know who i am so i suggest you you stop using that smart mouth of yours."

10 turned into 20, and 30, by the time we got there i was a sleep the only thing i remember was that I got picked up and that is it,

I woke up and I was in a bed and it was not my bed, were am I, I was thinking to myself. Someone had came into the room and it was a guy ,and you are not going to believe who it is. It was Josh yep I know what you are thinking, did he really kidnap me.

"I see you woke up, well get up and get dressed your clothes are over there, and come down stairs, hurry up and don't take your sweet little time.

I was getting ready and the clothes I was wearing, it was to reavling i came down stairs, and saw him at the kitchen door way. (This is what her outfit looked like.) (But she had a jacket over it.)

He looked at me up and down, I just looked at him disgusted "Eww,"

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He looked at me up and down, I just looked at him disgusted "Eww,"

"Keep making those nasty faces then I will really give you something to look at."

"I'll be making faces at anybody I want you don't tell me what to do." I said so rude and with an attitude

"Listen here you little bitch you need to stop with the attitude you or else."

"Or else what! What are you going to do i'm already in hell."

"Look here hoe you really need to stop because i'm this close to hitting you so be a good little girl and let me do what i need you to do for me, now get on you're knees and come suck my dick."

"Bitch I don't know who you think you are but i am not your slave or sex toy you can play around with i'm not sucking anybody's dick matter of fact."

"Alright than I will make you," He grabbed me by my arms and tied then up, and he grabbed my head first he zipped down his pants and took them off he took off his boxers to, and than had my head and made me open my mouth

Josh put my mouth in his nasty dick he was moving my head up and down the moaning came from him until he let go of me and threw me on the floor.

I mean come on i am still a virgin and i do not want to lose my virginity to some asshole. "I'm not some slut you can control."

Whenever i was on the ground he took his chance to come on top of me and pin me down, he put his hand on my wrists to pin then down and the other on my waist.

"Get off of me you little ass bitch. FUCKING GET OFF OF ME RIGHT NOW!"
He slapped me hard, and tears were coming down my eyes to my cheeks and neck.

"I said that you have to submit to and that was you're punishment for not listening to me, oh well I guess you're other punishment for screaming at me is that you can be fucked over, and over by me."

~~~~~~~back to the present~~~~~~

So now you can see why getting kidnapped is worse than getting humiliated. Right now i was locked up in a room that was not mine I'm at his house because we are next door neighbors.

It really sucks because i can just go back home but i am tied up so i can't get out, i fucking hate josh he raped me and he kidnapped i want him worse than dead and I will find out my way to do it.

Why me, why does it have to be me why can't I live a normal life, why do I have get hurt all over again. Oh wait I already know why because I can't have a normal life I have a fucked up.

He came into the room and said "You ready for more "fun,"

"No please don't do this please don't,"


So tell me what you think did you like it comment and vote share if you want to tell me if i made any mistakes i will fix then by loves. ❤️

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