Aliya Gomez is an ordinary normal rich but not a bitch she is a sweet girl and she lived a normal life up until she met josh Hunter. Josh Hunter was her personal bully and everyday she lived in hell. The reason why because she had to move.
Josh Hun...
"No please don't do this please don't," i said in cries, why does this always happen to me. "Aww is little girl crying, just shut up already and suck it up." "Are you happy now that you got what you wanted cause i am not."
"Whatever stop being a pussy, well you're pussy was good, but oh well I'll be back and don't do anything or else." I just cried, and cried until he left the room.
Thank god that he wasn't going to mess with with me because I hate him and he is an asshole, and a rapist. I looked out at the window and i saw that it was opened, but i couldn't escape if i wanted to because i'm chained up.
I was wiggling to get out of the hand cuffs until i remember that hair clip in my hair, i got it out of my hair and un cuffed myself.
Yes I'm free! I got up and jumped out of the window, and landed on the ground the only thing my parents aren't home and my door is locked, but then remembered that there is a key in under the mat.
I grabbed it and unlocked my door and got inside, and i made sure to lock my door. When i got to my room it was normal but i saw a note on my bed it said. Dear Aliya: We are not going to be home for a couple more weeks but when we come back we have a big surprise for you, i hope that you understand that we won't be able to see you, but me and you're dad miss you, and be careful. Love mom and dad.
I sat there re-reading the note and thinking why mom and dad, why do y'all have to come home so late he is going to kidnap me again, and do things that age worse than i can imagine, so why leave now.
I finish crying and got up, and i went to go, and find some clothes for me to wear so i can go to bed. I got out of the shower and after that shower i was so glad that I'm clean now because i wasn't able to take a shower when Josh kidnapped me and held me there at his house for five days.
~~~~~~~~~In the morning~~~~~~~~ I woke up and smiled for real this time I felt happy, like crying in tears of joy because I'm free now and I don't have to be in torture anymore, well for now.
Today is Sunday i and i felt like going to the mall and and hanging out with old friends, so i'm going to get ready i took a shower and got my clothes ready, and this what my clothes look likes.
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After that I was done getting ready and my friend was outside of my house, honking her car. "Aliya hurry the hell up." My best friend Amy said "okay I'm coming can you stop rushing me." I said and I got in the car, and we drove off to the mall.
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(That is what Amy looks like, tell me what you think about her.)
When we got to the mall Amy went crazy, first we went to Victoria's secrets because who doesn't go there and the the food court, after that we were just talking. "So Aliya do you see any cute boys at your new school that you like." "No not really," "Come one no one,"
"Yep no one because I can't find the right guy and you know what happened to me 2 years ago, that was when I got kidnapped and beat, raped." I said sadly "Yes you are right, and how are you feeling? Do you still have the anxiety?"
"Yes but sometimes I can control it and must if the times when i do get i usually have my mom or dad there's with me because they know what i'm going though."
"Where are you're parents?" "They are on a business trip they said that they would be back in a couple weeks, and they said that the have a big surprise for me."
"Okay are you ready to go?" "Yeah," Hours later we went to her house to smoke and yes we smoke that's nothing new when you have been though the shit I have been though.
"Hey Aliya are you okay you have been quiet.?" Amy said. "Yeah why wouldn't be," "Okay Aliya whatever you say, i just want to you to be carful."
"Sometimes i can't keep the past in the past, it's hard to keep the memories like that." I said and that was true and Amy knows it she knows what happened to me, she is my only best friend and I trust her to keep my secret.
"Bye Aliya hope you feel better," "Thank you Amy i really appreciate you're concern, but I'm okay." I told her what happened to me, about Josh. She was really worried about me because this is not the first time this happened. "Okay Aliya just just be carful please."
"Of course i will," And with that she left and dropped me at my house, and while i was walking to my door i saw a girl going to Josh's house. I felt bad for that for girl, she does not know who this asshole is and she doesn't know what she is doing.
Should I save her or let her be humiliated by the 'bad boy'. (as what everybody at her school said) I'm going to help her so i went to his house and as soon as i went he came out and looked shocked that i was out of his house. Why is he shocked? I thought.
"Emily it's nice to see you," Josh said and he turned to me and said "What are you doing here Aliya." He said with his voice laced with venom. "Oh me I was just here to save this poor girl before you humiliate her."
"Sweetie what is you name because you need a real man who is not going to treat you like shit." I said so proudly and confident. "My name is Emily," "Bye Josh i hope i never se you agin,"
"You dumb bitch look at what the fuck You just did!" Josh said with anger in his voice. "What are you going to do about it? I hope you feel better that she left you and you're blue balls." I said with sarcasm and anger at the same time. "YOU DUMB ASS HOE!!" He said when I was walking to my house and locking the door.
After I locked the door i went to my room and went to be, waiting for tomorrow to come and punch me in the face because i have school.
Let's see how that turns out.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hey it's been a while I'm sorry for not updating i know this is just a lame excuse of not to write but, i have a lot of problems going on at my house, and been so stressed, but I will start to update now so.