Chapter 7.

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Naruto sat outside the academy, reading over the letters Kimimaro sent him. He didn't smile or make any sort of face, but he didn't have too. He quite frankly adored the boy now that he knew a little about him, he was sweet and arrogant and Naruto found himself falling for his chosen mate. The academy door opened and Naruto placed his letters in a scroll, he saw his friends come out and saw that they all had a headband on.

"Congratulations on graduating." Naruto said to them and they all smiled, besides Sasuke, Shikamaru and Shino.

"Thank you, it was actually almost hard." Kiba Said and everybody chuckled a little.

"Kiba you just didn't pay attention." Ino mocked and Kiba frowned.

"So what are you all going to do now?"

"Tomorrow we have to meet our Sensei's so we'll be back at the academy bright and early." Shino gruffed.

"Okay, I have a mission right now. You all have a good day." Naruto waved to his friends and jumped from the roof.

Iruka stood by the academy smiling with his arms folded that they managed to talk to the anti-social red head, while they haven't gotten a name yet, he seems to be opening up to them, which is a big step. Naruto sneezed as he looked forward, a week. This mission would take a week to complete. He for the love of him didn't know why.

Drop the scroll off at Suna, easy. That's a normal mission, fight and kill anybody wanting the sensitive information, easy as well. So he frowned, no letters from his mate, no hugs from his mates, and he can't fill the void with his friends so he took to pouting, he the. Decided to get this mission done faster. He took of running determined to get this mission done as soon as possible.

"Sensei, what have you decided?" Jiraiya asked stopping by again and Hizuren was found smoking a pipe.

"I don't want him to leave the village." Jiraiya shook his head as he sat on the couch.

"What is keeping you from letting him be happy? I know you read those letters." Hizuren sighed, why would he give Naruto to another village? He belonged here, he was needed since Kushina is dead.

"Maybe, the Chunin exams are coming up, and Naruto will be my guard, I want to see their chemistry in person." Hizuren said to get Jiraiya off his back, but he knew no matter the chemistry he would ultimately say no.

"Sensei, I love you but you need a successor."Hizuren didn't say nothing and just returned to his work.

Naruto finally made it, and when he shown his ninja ID he was let in immediately. He walked to the tower, Happy that he remembered wearing his Suna clothes because it felt hotter than the last time he was here. He walked to the tower and knocked on the door. When he heard a stressed come in he smiled and walked in to sit on the desk.

"Raza, don't let this paperwork get to you." Naruto Said and Raza lifted his head to smile.

"Naruto it's been about two years, how are you." Naruto shrugged tucking his hair behind his hair.

"The humans have been getting nicer, and I found my mate." Naruto spoke and when Raza went to open his mouth another voice sounded.

"I'm sad, and here I was hoping you'd mate with me." Gaara spoke in a dry tone and Naruto smiled.

"I don't think foxes and raccoon get along Gaara." Naruto stood up to hug the only other demon he's met besides Kimimaro.

"I'm sure Shukaku won't let you be mate less." Naruto Said and Gaara nodded.

"So who's the mate?" Raza asked and Naruto nodded.

"Kimimaro Kaguya, A Baphomet." Raza and Gaara's eyes widened before Gaara laughed.

"I'm not sure any goats and foxes get along either." Naruto chuckled with a shrug.

"We are a little stubborn but he usually puts that's aside." Naruto hummed and the door knocked. Raza gave a come in and the door opened to reveal Kimimaro and the orange haired again. Naruto smiled at his mate.

"I've missed you blue eyes." Kimimaro Said walking to Naruto.

"Are you stalking me Kimimaro?" Kimimaro hummed and tapped his chin.

"No, although I wish. I haven't seen you in three months." Naruto tilted his head and then frowned as he realized it had been three months.

"What do you both have for me?" Raza Said and the orange haired bowed.

"We have a scroll from the Otokage, he's on his way to solidifying a peace treaty with Konoha and would like one." He placed the scroll in the hand of the Kazekage and stood up.

"Jugo, so professional." Kimimaro coo'd as Naruto found himself rolling his eyes. Kimimaro turned his attention back to Naruto and ran a hand through that long red hair. Naruto sighed as he had his eyes closed and then he heard Kimimaro speak.

"Are you growing out your hair?" Naruto shook his head.

"It's already at my waist, how long do you want it?" Kimimaro shrugged and continued to talk to his mate.

"Tell Orochimaru, I'll gladly work out a treaty. Tell him to write me one and if I have any changes I'll send Gaara over." Jugo nodded and went to leave but Kimimaro had just seen his mate.

"Don't make that face, I'll see you again." Naruto whispered and Kimimaro sighed. He gave his mate a hug and kiss on the cheek promising it won't be more than three months before he sees Naruto again. Kimimaro made sure to bow to both the Kazekage and Gaara. Naruto ended being pouting, as he once again was stuck watching the back of his mate.

"It's alright, I'm sure you'll see one another soon."

"I know but I hate not seeing him, and then, seeing him in passing like this."

"You love him." Gaara chided from behind Naruto. Naruto was getting ready to disagree until he got ready to open his mouth. When he sat there with his mouth opened, he realized that he indeed already loved him, and that he has since their first conversation, no matter how short it was.

"Maybe, anyways Raza are you finished? I'd like to hurry home so I can make it in time to receive my mates letter." Raza chuckled and finished replying.

"Yes, have a safe trip. See you at the exams." Raza Said and Naruto hugged both father and son before heading out.

Naruto started his journey mid-day when the sun was scorching. However it didn't seem to mind it, his mind squarely on returning him and sending a letter to Kimimaro, actually he wants to asked the Hokage of a favor which he should allow, he only wants a week off, he'll leave that Monday morning and be back before the sun rises that following Monday. He smiled as he thought about a week with Kimimaro.

They have known one another for six months now but had only been doing the mate thing for 4 of those months. He felt like it was time they spent more than one day with one another, he was hell bent on asking Hizuren for a week, just one with his mate. When he made it back to the village he walked to the tower, a week long mission cut down to three days as he opened the door to the Hokage room.

"Jiji, I have a favor to ask." Jiraiya walked back in after heading to grab food to see his grandson.

"What is it?" Jiraiya hugged Naruto after setting the food down on the desk and walking to the couch.

"I would like a week off to see Kimimaro."

Quiet. The room fell silent and Jiraiya shot his Sensei an I told you so, and just ate silently. Hizuren sat there with his eyes closed thinking of all the things that could go wrong sending Naruto on the trip, as well as all the bad things that can come from not sending Naruto on that very trip. Naruto sat there, resolve on his face as he dared Jiji to say no. He's been a model shinobi, taking mission, coming back unwounded and early. He deserved to be with his mate!

"I'll allow it, however instead of a week, I'll do five days." Naruto smiled and hugged Hizuren.

"Thank you so much Jiji. I'll leave this Monday morning and return Friday night." Naruto spoke and he jumped out the window.

"I see I may need to come to a conclusion sooner or later." Jiraiya hummed and nodded.

"And, I want it to be in the best interest of my grandchild."

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