The Hunter

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Before you were fully awake, shivers flowed through your body and over your skin. You grasped at the covers around you and placed yourself further into a cocoon. Rolling to one side, you hit a large mass on your bed that you were not expecting. It was hard, but warm, and your barely conscious mind drew you to its heat and you pressed yourself against it. Your arm wrapped around it, and you pulled it towards you. When Michael rolled over to get closer to you, you realized it wasn't the bundle of blankets you had thought it was, but The Shape instead.

You couldn't tell if he was asleep or not. Even when he was awake, you could mistake him for a stone statue. There was the hint of muffled breathing from behind his mask, but the darkness of his mask's eyeholes hid anything you could gain from it. He was staring upwards towards the ceiling, his hands resting at his sides and his entire body above the covers. You were more than a little surprised to see Michael there. He usually never stayed the night and especially not the morning, but last night was different.

After chasing Charles from your home and returning to you, he had done things you weren't quite expecting, and a new level of intimacy was achieved. While knowing each other for a while now, he never allowed you to see him naked, and although not fully naked the night before, he had shown you his scars and his vulnerability. You were quite sure that you were the first person who had been given that gift. You were also sure that you were the First, period. Michael was in hibernation in Smith's Grove, and you were the first to encounter him and live. It wouldn't be too hard to imagine that you were also the first one that he decided to act out his urges towards. There was no telling what was going on in his head half the time, and he surely wasn't going to tell you a word about it.

But none of that mattered anymore, now. You were here with him and it felt right in every possible sense. Your anxious worrying was gone. Your fears of being robbed, mugged, attacked, would never enter your mind again because Michael was here and he was here for you. There would never be another day, which you worried about whether you had left the door unlocked. There would never be a night in which you woke up from a nightmare and felt scared and alone. Because now Michael was here.

You pulled yourself as close as you possibly could to Michael's body. For a man so emotionless, so ruthless, he was surprisingly warm. He was like a personal heater that you had tucked into bed. A personal heater that could kill at a moment's notice, but it was a pretty swell heater, you thought.

You felt yourself quickly falling asleep once more. Your eyes grew heavy and your heart slowed. You took in Michael's scent, and you could hear his heart beat, beat, beat—

And your alarm was ringing. Your heart immediately started to pound in your chest as it jumpstarted from the sudden noise. You groaned in frustration at having to wake up, but your body was already pulling you into autopilot. The list of things you needed to do started to line up in your mind. You were pulling yourself to the side of your bed when Michael grabbed you by the arm. It shocked you at first, the sudden exit from his 'sleep', but you turned your head and looked at him with a smile. Maybe he wasn't asleep after all.

Michael Myers looked up at you, and cocked his head. He made the smallest grunt and pulled you back to his side on the bed. His strength was immense, and it only took a small tug to move you around. You giggled at him and started to pull away, but he wouldn't let go.

"Come on, Michael," you said, "I need to get to work." You weren't upset at him. No, how could you be? But if you wanted to make principal within a few years, you had to show you were up for the job. And it didn't help that you had a bad track record for being late to begin with.

You were able to roll out of bed once more, and Michael hesitantly let go of your arm. You hurried over to the bathroom right outside your room and immediately turned on the shower. You had slept in just your underwear, so once you had stripped free of that and checked to see if the water was warm enough, you hopped right in. You had always set your alarm a little bit earlier than another person would, but you always found a way to waste time in the morning, and you couldn't afford to be late again.

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