2 years later

7 2 1

I was cleaning the counter while grandma grabbed the to-go order for some old lady. And baby bear walked in. Baby bear is my neibor. I call him baby bear because he never seems to grow older and stuff. Plus he has a mom and dad no brothers or sisters. And he likes soup, and rocking chairs. Haha.

I work with my grandma at her store called ' A DELICOUS GOODS STORE' the name is kinda funny but hey. It's grandma. My mother passed away the day after Justin left. My grandma said I should forget about him but it's harder then I thought. My dad moved back to DR 2 days after my mom died. Can you imagine. 3 important people in my life left me in a week. 1 who doesn't care about me. Another who I'll never see again untill I die, and the last one who forgot about me. Yet I cant forget about him.

Lots of cop cars drove at the speed of light with there sirens louder than a concert. They were following some one. A criminal i bet. Probobly a delinquent.

"Momma said she wants...." Baby bear sat on the counter, and digged in his pocket's. He took out 2 crusty dollor bills, a penny, a paper clip, and a folded piece of paper. He un-folded the paper and read ou loud the list of things.

"•2 sweat donuts

• 1 bag of chocolate chip cookies

• 1 bag full of 5 cupcakes

• and 3 glaze donut's for papa"

He proudly folded the paper, put his hand's behind his back, and put a big chessy smile.

"Yes Sir" i said going to the donut's section.

4 police man ran into the shop.

"EVERY ONE PUT YOUR HANDS UP!!! NOW!!!" They yelled. Every one put their hands up. Imediently.

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