A Season of Love...

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Child of Spring. Child of Winter.

Born into a world of new. Born into a world of old.

Fresh and Naíve. Wise and Just.

Your soul is laced with lilac. The chill of your soul.

I can see it in your eyes. Sincerity in your eyes.

You are wild as the fawns I see. You are a snowflake,

I wish not to cage you. I wish not to melt you.

Running through the forest. Walking through the forest.

Your skin bare. Your skin bare.

A wild smile paints your face. A dream on your face.

A howl of youth, A song of life,

sings from your throat. drips from your lips.

Muddy feet and bright skin. Ice in your hair.

I yearn to feel your warmth. I yearn to feel your chill.

You know who you are. You know who you are.

Wild, running, and free. Peace, healing, love.

Why? Why?

Why do you waste your beauty on me? Why do you let me so near?

I am not worthy of you. I am afraid to harm you.

A wanderer of this world. A wanderer of this world.

I am lost. I am lost.

But, in your freedom I am... But, in your grace I am...


You may not be alike. You may not be each other's ideal type. But, love will always be unexpected. So, talk. Keep conversation. Be brave. Because you might find that they feel the same and something about that is nothing less than extraordinary.

Your friend, Anna

P.S Just in case, you want to read the poems separately. 

Child of Spring.

Born into a world of new.

Fresh and Naíve.

Your soul is laced with lilac.

I can see it in your eyes.

You are wild as the fawns I see.

I wish not to cage you.

Running through the forest.

Your skin bare.

A wild smile paints your face.

A howl of youth,

sings from your throat.

Muddy feet and bright skin.

I yearn to feel your warmth.

You know who you are.

Wild, running, and free.


Why do you waste your beauty on me?

I am not worthy of you.

A wanderer of this world.

I am lost.

But, in your freedom I am...


Child of Winter.

Born into a world of old.

Wise and Just.

The chill of your soul.

Sincerity in your eyes.

You are a snowflake,

 I wish not to melt you.

 Walking through the forest.

Your skin bare.

A dream on your face.

A song of life,

drips from your lips.

Ice in your hair.

I yearn to feel your chill.

You know who you are.

Peace, healing, love.


Why do you let me so near?

I am afraid to harm you.

A wanderer of this world.

I am lost. 

But, in your grace I am...


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