15. That girl

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Connor and I walked outside and were on our way to the shopping centre to buy stuff for my date with Brad. We had a very interrested conversation about Bearded Dragons. I trust Brad of course, but when I'm talking to Connor, it likes that I can tell him everything, Every little secret that we have. Just a kind of brother. 

"Alex, we're here." Connor said and shook me out of my thoughts.

"Oh, well that was a fast trip." I said.

"Should we buy you some clothes? Cause I know what Brad's gonna wear tonight and I knew what you guys are gonna do. And of course I'm gonna help y..." Connor said while we were walking into a little café.

"Con? What's wrong?"

"WOWW THAT GIRL IS SO HOT WOW OMG!!! IT'S JUST LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT YOU KNOW!!!" He screamed literally in my ear.

"Hahaha, Con, chill. Let's order something and you can talk to her." I winked.

Connor chuckled behind me and I saw that his cheeks were glowing red. 

"Connor please, do a little bit normal yeah?" I asked.

"Ye.. Yes... Yes o f course Alex." He stuttered while he was almost drooling.

 Connor's POV

Wow.. That girl was stunning!! I need to know her name, right now. I put my hand in the air and 'the wattress' walked to our table.

"Good afternoon, how can I help you?" She askd with the most beauiful voice I've ever heard.

"Uhm.. Can I have a bag of chips and a coke please?" I asked. "And for my best friend...? Uhm, Alex what do you want to eat?" 

"A chocolate chip cookie and a fanta?" She answered.

"Okay, I'm gonna bring it right now." She said and  I saw that she winked at me.


"Yo Condora, what's wrong? You're staring to a old man for minutes." Alex said.

"Oh.. shit, oh my god, I'm sorry, but THAT GIRL, just winked at me!!!"

"You mean Inez?" She said.

"WAIT?! HOW DO YOU KNOW HER NAME?" I asked in shock.

"Her nameplate doofus." She answered with a sarcastic face.

Inez walked to our table with all our stuff and opened my can of coke. She poored it in a Coca Cola glass and she smiled. She gave me my bag of chips and she gave Alex her things. After that she walked away and she stood behind the pay desk. She looked stunning.

I wanted to open my bag of chips but I couldn't open it. When I turned the bag around I saw a little note. I opened the note, it was a note from Inez. : Hey, want to chat for a while after my work, just a few more minutes and my shift is over? xo Inez.

"ALEXXXX LOOOK!!!" I said pointing at the note.

"Aww Con, that's so cute, I'm happy for you!" I said.

After a few minutes Inez took off her apron and walked to our table.

Alex excused herself and said that she was going to a womans shop that and said that I didn't want go in there. Maybe a lingerie shop or something. Well yeah. I was finally alone with the most beautiful girl in the world. Alex walked out of the café and winked at me. She knew what was going to happen and how I felt about Inez.

"Hey." Inez said, with a big smile, she was so cute."

"Hey, how are you? I'm Connor." I said with also a big smile on my face.

"I'm fine, I'm glad I don't have to work further this week and you?" She grinned.

"Yeah I'm good, I'm glad that I sit here with a very pretty girl." Seriously Connor, did you just said that out loud? Are you crazy? 

She blushed and I blushed too, but after that awkward moment we talked about our hobbies and all that kind of stuff. She had such an interested life. I just wanted to talk with her forever. Every now and then  I made a stupid joke, just jokes that are so stupid that you have to laugh. We talked for hours in that café and then I realized that Alex was all alone in the shopping centre and that we left at 11 AM and now it is 5 PM. Omg, I have to call her.

"Excuse me for a second Inez." I said, and I immediately called Alexandra.

"Hey Con what's up?" She asked.

"Alex are you okay? Are you safe? I'm so sorry that I left you alone." I said worried.

"Aww Con, everything's fine, I knew that you had a thing for that girl so I just wanted to give you a private moment with her. I called Tristan after I left the café so he's here with me and we're going home right now. Do we have to pick you up? How is that girl by the way? Is she sweet? Kind? Polite? Tell me everything!" She said.

"Uhm... I'm going in 30 minutes I think, I see you guys at Brad's." I said.

"Okay, see ya Condora." She said while making a kissing noise.

I hung up and walked back to the table where Inez sat.

"Hey, is everything okay?" She asked.

"Yeah, everything's fine, but I think I have to go to my friend's house, he has a date tonight with the girl who sat with me. So I have to prepare him for everything. But is it okay if I call you later? To take you to dinner or something?"

"Yeah, that would be lovely." She smiled, and gave me another piece of paper with her number on it.

I gave her a hug and a small kiss on her cheek. She was blushing as an idiot, but it was so adorable. I walked out of the café and waved to her before I went outside. She waved back and I walked back to Brad's house.

When I almost arrived at Brad's house I saw that he has new neighbours. WAIT WHAT? INEZ WAS MOVING IN TO THE HOUSE NEXT TO BRAD HIS HOUSE?! OMG. SHOULD I TALK TO HER? NO CON DON'T DO IT.

I wanted to turn around but then I heard my name. It was Inez. I turned around to face her and she walked towards me. 

"So, this is your mate's house?" She asked when we stood for Brad's house.

"Yeah, wow, what a coincidence that I see you here. But I don't mind, I think destiny brought us here." I winked and she blushed.

"I'm so sorry Inez, but I have to go now. Brad, my mate, is standing for his window and he stares at us." I laughed.

"I understand Con, I see you around then?" She asked.

"Yes, definitely." I kissed her on the cheek and walked to Brad's front door.

This girl got me good.. She's just That Girl.


Well hello there, this chapter was written for my baby Inez :)


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