Chapter 28

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Graham watched her drift out of consciousness. Still, he waited. He couldn't risk going up just yet. He knew all too well the panic that came with the realization that there was nothing to breathe but water, and then the horrible knowledge that this might be the end as you sucked in your first mouthful of water.

She was so limp in his arms. Her hands had been clutching at him, grasping for something to save her. Now, they hung like wilted flowers.

It had tormented him to see her go through that struggle. Something was wrong with him. Her wide eyes staring into his as she doubted him had almost driven him to allow her to go to the surface, but he knew all too well the consequences of that.

He needed to get her away from him. Fast. They were already going after Ethan and Lavinia, but her, too? No, he needed to get her somewhere out of the way. Granger wasn't too interested in her yet, but if he kept this up, there could be only one outcome.

Pulling her into a more comfortable position, he moved. He'd known they'd come for him, but he'd thought he might have a little more time to figure everything out. He needed to know exactly what they were planning if he intended to stop it.

He came to the surface in the reeds along the bank. There was precious little time before they had to move again. Lying on his back with her pressed against his chest, he placed a hand under her chin. Pressing his other fist into her upper abdomen, he thrust it sharply against her. It was difficult to maneuver with her corset, and for a moment, he thought it might not be doing anything, but then she coughed quietly.

As quietly as he could manage, he flipped her over and allowed her mouth to open as she coughed up the water. She breathed raggedly clawing at the ground beneath her as though that would help her draw in the much needed air. Holding her up, he looked over his shoulder quickly.

They needed to get to the other side of the lake. The only way to do so without exposing themselves horribly would be to swim. Underwater. He couldn't leave her behind, so he would drag her along in her half-conscious state. Thankfully, it wasn't a wide body of water, or he wasn't sure she'd survive the swim.

In all her fine clothes, she would be far too difficult to carry along. There was only one thing for it. Removing the knife from its sheath in his boot, he began to cut. He didn't have time to figure out the intricate fastenings and workings of this particular dress.

The gown fell away from her in moments. They had approximately a minute until they were found. Slashing through her petticoats, he shoved the knife back into its place. Stripping off his coat, cravat, waistcoat, and shirt, he set them on the bank carefully. With a grin, he marked a greeting into the mud, enjoying the thought of them finding it.

Taking the thinnest of her underskirts, he fashioned a sling and tied her to him. He was going to need both hands for this swim. She had barely stirred in all this time, simply breathing—more dead then alive at the moment.

Drawing a breath, he checked his surroundings and slid further into the lake. Taking one last draught of air, he plunged beneath the surface, shoving off the ground to get a start. It would be mere moments until their little hideout was discovered if he knew anything, and he wanted to be as far from it as possible when that happened.

There would be shelter for them on the other side. They could lay low for the night, and then he would return her to Fergus Manor and face this alone again. How they'd discovered the truth was beyond him, but he didn't really care.

As of now, he felt the old rage rising in him. They'd gone too far this time. He was more determined than ever to put an end to the madness.

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