Chapter One

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Chapter One


"Cabello, you're late, again." Mr. Danvers says once the door opens revealing the brown eyed girl.

Instead of answering Camila just nods her head and moves to the back of the room, pulling the hood of her hoodie over her head. She hated school, she hated being around people in general to be honest. Her only friends always told her to go out and meet people, but she honestly would rather stab a pencil into her eye.

"Cabello," she hears the teacher calling her name again, growling under her breath she looks up and stares at the man.

Mr. Danvers flinches slightly upon looking into the dull eyes of the teenager in front of him, he didn't know what she had been through, or what she could still be going through. All he knew was that she never listened to anyone, not even the principal.

He knew she wouldn't respond to him, so he just holds out the assignment the other students were supposed to be working on, except they were all staring at Camila. All of them were waiting for the girl to react, but all she did was grab the paper before looking down.

Sighing Mr. Danvers walks back to the front of the room, spouting out information on trigonometric equations.

Camila could honestly care less about learning how to calculate them, to be honest she just wanted to get out of the class. However, as soon as she felt eyes on her, she looked up and spotted a green eyed girl staring her down.

A low growl escapes her throat and she grabs her bag, taking the assignment in her hands. Standing up she walks right past Mr. Danvers, ignoring him as he tries to get her to sit back down.

"Cabello." He says stepping forward and grabbing her arm, flinching when she suddenly moves and twists his arm behind his back. "Relax, it's just me, Mr. Danvers, I was going to give you the homework for tonight." he says calmly, all of the teachers knew that she often reacted on instinct to someone touching her.

Taking a deep breath, Camila releases his arm and takes the homework before walking off completely.

Lauren bit her lip and looked down at her worksheet, she couldn't help but wonder what had happened to Camila. She'd changed the summer before high school and now here they were going into their Junior year and it just seemed like Camila had gotten a lot worse.

Mr. Danvers sighs and turns back to teaching the students about trigonometric equations.

It wasn't long before the bell rang and Lauren was leaving her fourth period class, her thoughts were filled with what had happened that morning if first period.

Quickly grabbing her things, Lauren makes her way to the cafeteria.

"Hey Laur, is it true that Cabello almost broke Mr. Danvers arm this morning?" Normani asks, sitting down beside Lauren in their usual spot.

Nodding her head, Lauren frowns slightly. "She hasn't spoken since the summer before freshman year. I miss her."

"Girl, we all do." Dinah says, sitting down with a frown. "I can't believe she went from being our best friend in middle school to barely even acknowledging us."

"Strange things happen. We just need to get over it." Normani said. "People change, deal with it."

"Yo, I have a bet for you." Justin says, walking up to the table and looking at Lauren.

Lauren lifted her head. "A bet?" She asked.

Nodding, Justin smirks. "I bet you can't get into Cabello's heart and then break it at Prom."

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