Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten


One year later

Lucy runs a hand through her hair as she leaves the nursery, now that Blake was sleeping she was hoping to get her homework done.

Camila was sitting in the living room reading over something for her homework.

"He's finally down." Lucy mumbles, sitting down beside the younger girl.

"Hallelujah!" Camila said. "He never wants to sleep."

Lucy doesn't respond as she pulls out her homework, she was so exhausted and she had to write two essays and study for a science exam.

"I hate math." Camila mumbled.

"Yeah me too." Lucy mumbles in response as she begins looking over her homework.

Remi walks into the living room, rubbing her eyes tiredly. "Mama,"

Camila lifted her head. "What's up, pumpkin? You should be sleeping."

"Bad dream." The little girl whines, moving over to the couch.

Lucy grabs her bag and leaves the room, she needed to focus on her schoolwork.

"Come here." Camila said, she sighed.

Climbing onto the couch, Remi curls into Camila. "When I go see mommy again?" She asks.

"Um... I'm not sure, pumpkin, according to aunt Dinah, she's not very well just now." Camila told her daughter softly.

Frowning, the three year old looks down. "Miss her."

Blake suddenly begins crying from the nursery causing Lucy to make her way into the room. "It's your turn, I have an exam on Monday and I haven't been able to study all week."

"I know, princess, let's go see what's up with Blake." Camila stood up and lifted Remi into her arms, carrying her into Blake's room.

The one year old was standing up in his crib, tears streaming down his cheeks as he continued to cry.

"Hey, buddy, what's wrong?" Camila asked, riffling her sons hair.

Holding up one arm, Blake continues to cry.

"What's wrong?" Camila repeated, lifting Blake up.

The one year old buries his face in Camila's neck and slowly calms down, falling asleep.

Once he was asleep, Camila put him back in his crib without waking him and left the room quietly.

Remi herself was falling asleep, her head on Camila's shoulder.

Camila rubbed Remi's back and carried her to her room.

Once everything was taken care of and her homework was done, Camila made her way into her and Lucy's room. Finding the older girl asleep at her desk. She had written her two essays and seemed to have been studying.

Sighing, Camila lifted Lucy up and carried her to bed without waking her. She changed the older girl into her pajamas and covered her with the sheets before getting ready for bed and getting in. It wasn't long before she fell asleep.

However, when she woke up the next morning, Blake was screaming and Lucy was still asleep.

Camila rolled out of bed and went to get Blake.

Blake was once again standing up and gripping onto the side of the crib.

"Hey, buddy. You're okay." Camila lifted him up. "Shh." She bounced him on her hip.

The one year old buries his face in her neck, his skin warm to the touch.

Camila pulled her phone out of her pocket and dialled the doctor's number.

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