Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve


One year later

Camila sighs as she shifts a sleeping Braelynn in her arms, the one year old had grown attached to Camila and wouldn't sleep unless she was holding her.

Lucy lay beside Camila on the bed, staring at the wall away from the younger girl, unable to sleep. Her mind kept drifting to other places and other things.

Shifting again, Camila tries to get comfortable. "Luce, can you help me?"

Lucy didn't respond. She hadn't heard the younger girl, too lost in her thoughts.

"God, do I even exist to you anymore?" Camila asks coldly.

"What?" Lucy snapped out of her thoughts and turned to face Camila.

Sitting up, Camila shakes her head and shifts Braelynn. "Forget it, I'm going to the guest room."

Lucy sighed. "Whatever." She wasn't in the mood for an argument.

They had been fighting a lot in the past three months and it was mainly over Hayley.

Lucy knew Hayley wasn't into her and she didn't understand why Camila was so jealous of her.

But it seemed like all their fights were centered around Hayley or Camila was just in a bad mood.

Lucy rolled onto her side and brought her knees up to her chest.

"Mommy, mommy." Rowen's soft cries came over the baby monitor.

Lucy sighed and rolled out of bed and onto her feet.

"Mommy!" Rowen cried out louder than before.

Lucy pushed her hair out of her face and made her way into the nursery.

The little girl immediately holds her arms up when she sees Lucy.

Lucy lifted Rowen up.

Curling into her, the little girl buries her face in Lucy's neck and closes her eyes.

Lucy rocked Rowen until she fell asleep.


The next morning, Camila was up with Braelynn attached to her hip and Remi trying to help her make pancakes while Lucas and Blake played with cars on the floor.

"Mama, you need to flip the pancake." Remi said. "It might burn."

Camila smiles and flips the pancake. "Thanks Pumpkin."

Remi smiles up at her mother. "Mommy makes the best cookies and Mama makes the best pancakes."

"Thank you baby," Camila says softly, kissing Remi's forehead.

Remi couldn't hide the smile. "I love you Mama."

"I love you too Remi." The brown eyed mother says softly.

Braelynn releases a soft whine, burying her face in Camila's neck.

"Shh." Camila rocked Braelynn.

"Mama pancakes!" Remi says warningly.

Camila turned her head to the pancake. "It's fine."

The four year old frowns and looks down. "But it's burning."

Camila flipped the pancake onto a plate. "Now it's not." she said with a soft smile.

Giggling, Remi pours more mix into the pan like she was shown.

"Good girl." Camila praised.

"Mama," Blake mumbles as he plays with his cars.

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