Chapter Twenty

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Last one for the night guys, but keep an eye out tomorrow for the second book of the Bad Things Series.~ Britt


Chapter Twenty


"Hush, little Baby, don't say a word. Mama's gonna buy you a Mockingbird." Braelynn sings out softly as she tries to put Addison down for her nap. "And if that mockingbird don't sing. Mama's gonna buy you a diamond ring."

Addison releases another cry, her eyes filled with tears, the three week old didn't sleep very well.

"Okay, you don't like that one." Braelynn sighed. She began rocking her daughter gently.

Kicking her feet slightly, Addison releases a slightly louder cry.

"Come on Addison, work with me here." Braelynn said. She was growing frustrated with her daughter.

"She can sense your emotions." Lucy says softly from the doorway.

Addison releases another cry, nuzzling Braelynn's chest.

Braelynn looked up at her mother. "I don't understand why she cries all the time. I can't do anything to help her if I don't know what's wrong."

"Sometimes a baby just cries to cry." The older woman responds with a soft smile. "Right now she might be hungry, need or diaper changed, or just really tired."

"I don't know." Braelynn muttered. She looked down at her daughter. "Please stop crying." She begged.

Addison's eyes grow wide and her lower lip pouts out as she stares up at Braelynn.

"Have you checked to see if she's hungry or needs changed?" Lucy asks softly.

Braelynn sighed. She lifted Addison up and sniffed her bottom. "She doesn't need changed and I fed her an hour ago."

Laughing softly, Lucy shakes her head. "Okay, try the rocking chair. That used to help us with you."

Braelynn sighed, she got up off her bed and went to the rocking chair.

As soon as she begins rocking, Addison's eyes flutter closed and her cries become soft whimpers.

"Shh." Braelynn whispered.

It wasn't long before Addison was completely asleep, her tiny chest rising and falling slowly.

Braelynn put her daughter in her bassinet and left the room.

"You did good." Lucy says softly, following behind her.

Braelynn turned to look at Lucy. "Did I really?"

"Yes, you didn't give up and you didn't get angry. Most first time moms don't accomplish that." Lucy responds, sending her a soft smile.

"Not what I mean." Braelynn shook her head. "If I hadn't gone to that stupid party, none of this would have happened."

Sighing, Lucy pulls Braelynn into a gentle hug. "It wasn't your fault, now stop."

"I shouldn't have gone to that party." Braelynn responded.

"I'm the one that told you that you could go." Lucy responds calmly.

"You should have stopped me." Braelynn responded before walking away.

Pain fills Lucy's chest as she realizes Braelynn is now blaming her.

Braelynn sighed and turned away.

Making her way into the kitchen, Lucy sits down beside Camila.

"What's wrong?" Camila asked looking up from her work.

"Braelynn blames me." Lucy mumbles.

"I don't think she blames you." Camila said.

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