Welcome To Las Vegas

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*Carrie's POV*

"Are we almost there?" I ask for probably the 20th time in 10 minutes.

"Yes Carrie! Look, do you see the lights?" My mom points out of the airplane window. I look out and see thousands of lights. One of the pros of flying to Las Vegas at night!

"Oh my God, we're going down!" I bounce in my seat. My brother Sean looks at me and laughs.

"Carrie, calm yourself!" He says.

"Sean, I'm going to be breathing the same air as Criss Angel! I shall not be calm." I say with a shaky breath. Just by saying I'll be breathing the same air as him makes me want to cry.

"Uh oh, Mom, I think she is going to cry again." Sean nudges my mom. She leans forwards and put her head in her hands. I start to laugh.

"It's hard having a fangirl in the family, isn't it mom?" I say, giggling.

"Yes. Yes it is."

After that the plane came to a stop. A complete stop. And I screamed. A few people looked at me but whatever, at least I'm being me, right?

We all started loading off of the plane. Once I was off the plane and in the tunnel, I ran. Very fast. I couldn't wait until I could be somewhat closer to Criss Angel. Once I was in the airport, I decided to wait for the rest of my family. Finally I see my mom and brother, looking frantic. I sneak up on them and scare them.

"Hey guys!" I yell. They both turn around, gasp and hug me.

"Oh God, we thought we lost you." My mom says.

"Nah," I say casually. "I'm good."

"I thought some guy took you," Sean laughs.

"Oh Hell no Sean. The only guy that can take me is Criss." I say, winking and then bursting into laughter. "But imagine that. You won't be able to find me, so you'll call me. You'll ask where I am, and I'll say I'm at Criss Angel's house."

"Carrie, you're insane," my brother jokes, pushing me to walk with him and my mom.

"Why, thank you, kind brother." I say. He smiles.

We go get our luggage. My mom's suitcase is bright green. Sean's is bright blue. And mine is bright pink leopard print. We all got bright colors so we could easily find them. We finally find our way out of the airport. It's amazing being outside in Las Vegas. If you're in an airconditioned place for a while, it gets cold. Then you step outside and BAM! Warm air just hits you...and it is amazing. And coming from a small, very cold town like I do, warm air is the most perfect thing ever.

"You guys, look over there! It's a limo!" My mom says, pointing to a shiny black limo. It is very pretty.

"Wowza mom! I've never seen a limo before!" I say sarcasticlly.

"Well, have you ever been in one?" My mom asks. She should know this.

"Uh, no?" I say confused.

"So this will be your first time?" My mom smiles.

"Wait what? We're going in that?" Sean says, bouncing.

"Surprise!" My mom starts walking over to the man outside the limo. Sean and I follow. She pays him and we all get in. Sean and mom start talking about what we're going to do tomorrow. I hear them talking about the Wax Museum, but I'm not sure, I'm not paying any attention.

I'm staring out the window, thinking.

This is the happiest I've been in a long time, because, well, I'm in Vegas! Plus, I'm seeing my idol live. And I've been about a week clean. From cutting that is. I've been so depressed these past years, I deserve to be happy for once, but the kids at my school don't seem to think so. All they do is call me names. They all hate me, and it's so nice to be out of middle school for a week. I'm trying to stay strong for my family. They know I 'used to' cut, but they don't know I never got better. I've been planning on telling them, since they we're so supportive last time. When we get back home, I will.

I can't wait to see Criss Angel, not because he's hot or anything (But he is. Very, very hot). But because he has saved my life so many times. I've tried to kill myself so many times, but a few times, I've watched Mindfreak, or I've listened to his songs, or watched YouTube videos of him. They have all made me feel better, and now I get to see him live, finally!

"Carrie, we're here!" I stop thinking about my life when I look out the window of the limo, and see the Luxor right in front of me.


This is my favorite story I've ever written! It is based off of my trip to Vegas and to see Criss Angel. But I don't cut, or anything like that. But anyways, please enjoy!! btw I got rid of the dad in the story, and they're just going for a vacation. :)

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