A new beginning, to a same ending.

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I woke up and everyone was outside working beside Chantelle and Jackson. They were reading. "Clara!" Chantelle said.

"What?" I asked.

"You won't believe what I found!" she said.

"What'd you find?"

"Dad's skeleton keys to the dungeon." she said.

"Oh my god!" I said. she handed them to me. "I remember when he got on us for taking them and letting out a shadow! That shadow followed me around everywhere!" I laughed.

"I remember that!" she said. "We should check them out." she said.

"Maybe... I want to make this a new place, can you teach me?" I asked.

"Hells Yeah!" she said. "Put your hand out." she said. I did. "Think of something growing." she said. I did. A vine started coming up the wall.

"That's all you do really for any power. Use your brain." she said. I put the keys in my pocket and went up to my parents room. I took the sheets and bed spread off of it and decorated it with vines and put a new white bed spread over it and put vines and leaves and stuff on it. I redecorated the entire house. I found my self at a wall in the basement that was decorated. I remember my dad telling me to stay away from the wall... I walked along the wall brushing my hand across it. A door opened. A dark stairway was revealed. I walked down it. My steps echoed and bounced off the walls. I found a secret chamber. Or chambers I should say. I found a library, and they were full of books in Greek. I could read them though. I guess this is the dark part of the Dark Nature Clan. Witchcraft to be exact. We could use any ability. I walked through a hallway and I got a feeling I have never before. A good feeling. I opened a door and there was nothing in the room. I went to another door at the furthest end. It wouldn't open. I used my powers. The door flew across the room. I found a book on a pedestal. It was open. I walked over to it. I touched the pages and my eyes closed and I felt air going into me. Vines and stuff. I fell to the floor and blacked out.

I woke up and I had vines up my arms. my dress was blue and had on it. I felt a burn on my wrists. I rolled up my sleeves. I had the tattoos on my arms. They were the same. They were vines and had flowers. In the middle on my wrist it had my clan's mark. My name was hidden in the vines. My first name. Well... not exactly my first name. A mark appeared on my lower right thumb. It was a leaf with a shadow behind it. I looked at the book. It was full of inscription in Ancient Greek. I could read it. I flipped it to the cover. It said 'O mànteis'. It means The Seers. I looked around the room. There was a chest in a corner. I went over to it and it was locked. I tried took the skeleton keys and tried it. One of them worked. I looked inside and there were scrolls and a book. They were in English. I opened the book. It was the family documentary. I looked at the first name. Violet Maye Althea August 18th, 1567- August 18, 1668.

I closed the book and looked around some more. There was another door in the room I was in. I opened it and there was cloaks hung up. They were old. I picked up a brown one. I looked through the pockets. I found gold coins. And a locket. I looked in the locket. There was a letter in it. I opened the letter.

'My Dearest Violet Maye Althea,

Your eyes the color of green,

Your skin as soft as a petal,

Your fur as white as snow.

I love you with all my heart.

May you carry my heart wherever you go.

Your Lover,


It brought a tear to my eye. That was the most romantic thing I have read. I put it back into the locket and back into the cloak. I grabbed the cloak and wrapped the two books I found in the cloak and went back up into the castle.

"Wow, Clara what are you wearing? What happened to you?" Elijah asked stunned.

"I don't exactly know what you mean, and I have no idea." I said.

"Go look in a mirror." he said. I went up to the bathroom and looked in a full body mirror. I had long brunette hair, and dark eyes.

"You ascended." Jackson said.

"What?" I asked.

"You ascended." he repeated. "You look like your true self. You look exactly like... Maye." he decided not to speak my name.

"What?" I asked.

"We have a photo album to go through." he said. "Come on." He said. We went to the regular library and into the photo album section. I found one that said 1590. It was on the top shelf. I jumped and tried to get it. Before I knew it I was being lifted by Elijah. I looked down at him.

"Are you going to get the photo album or can I bring you down and kiss you?" he asked. I grabbed the Photo album and kissed him. He deepened it and I didn't want to stop. My body ached for him, since I haven't been with him the way I should have been doing.

"Or we could do it another time..." Jackson said.

"Good." I said and through the photo album at him. Elijah and I went to my parents room.

"You look fantastic." he said.

"Thank you" I said between the kiss. "Elijah?" I asked.

"Hmm?" he asked and kissed me harder.

"I'm sorry for running away from you in the beginning." I said

"I'm not."

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