chapter 2

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I wake up on the floor with the sun glaring onto my face. all the moments of yesterday flood back to me. I check my head. It's not bleeding but I have a terrible headache which makes me feel sick. I slowly walk towards my dad's room. Faintly I hear him snoring. I climb up to my room to the sound of my phone and laptop beeping at me more then I've ever heard before. I check my phone first. Keith had been texting and calling me since 7am. It's now 9. I call him.

"Hello miss. Famous" i hear from the other end of the phone.

"what do you want?" i jokely say rubbing my eyes 

"6 million views" he exclaims, "you've got more views than that new Justin beiber music video, and that was a good bop" 

"what!" i say alarmed at this info. 

"look on your new youtube video" he says happily. i open my laptop and my video pops up. hes right, 6 million views. 

"Well then I want a big mansion and my own walk in wardrobe with a chocolate fountain in every room" i say making him laugh 

"I will arrange that later miss. Famous but for now will you come with me to Sunday skating." he says, i hear him shutting a door. i run to my window. he is leaning against his car, phone i hand.

"Always!" I say breaking character and running down stairs.


We drive into the skate center car park. It's packed. We find a spot around the back and go through the staff way to avoid the queue. I tuck my hair into my cap. i love this place but to many people would reconize me. Keith waves at me through the glass in the staff room. I drop my board and ride slowly over to the ramps trying to avoid the kids.
from the corner of my eye i see Keith's dad. He smiles at me. He's like a dad to me, he helped me learn to skate after we moved here 5 years ago. I smile back and turn towards the rail pushing my cap down further so that you couldn't see my face.

I skate for about an hour before Keith comes and challenges me to a skate off. He wins but only just.

"Oh just out by 2 points" he says in a squeaky voice teasing me,

"Lets not forget how many times I've beaten you then" I say back with a smirk taking my hat off and shaking my hair down from it's scrunched up mess.

We make it out the back door without any more paparazzi annoyances. We stop at 'Cole's'

Cole's is a small cafe that not a lot of people know about. It's also me and Keith's hang out spot. other than the skate centre. I slide into a booth keeping my cap on and not looking at any body in the eye. Keith comes back with two milkshakes. One chocolate for him and one vanilla for me. I prop my cap up a little so that Keith could see my face and I take a gulp of milkshake.

"What am I going to do?" I ask twirling my finger around the top of the glass.

"I don't know" replies Keith taking sip. "But I hope you don't go all drama queen and forget about me" I kick him

"I wouldn't dare" I say as we both smile.

"Omg Kayla look" he says getting distracted and pointing up at the tv in the corner of the room behind me. He gets up and grabs the remote turning the tv up.

"Who is this girl? Were has she come from? Has she made skating a trend?
Kayla is a girl that has broke the internet with her amazing skateboarding skills. With only one 5 minute video Kayla has blown up over night." The tv blars. I stare at the tiny picture of me that must have been taken from my video.
"She has been sited today at a skate centre in tameswood."
A small clip plays of me looking hot and bothered and trying to Get out of the crowd. It must have been one of the mum's that had took it. Keith stares at me open mouthed and big eyed. He has a plan.


"No, absolutely not" I say throwing myself onto Keith's bed. We are at his place and he had just told me his greatest plan.

"But if we make a new Insta for you and you post a message to all of your fans you will be giving the media more info to talk about you!" He says frantically jumping into his bed besides me. "Come on, what harm will it do?"

I agree to let him make a Insta of me with a fake email so that any 'potential shows' could contact me if needed. His words, not mine.

I make a video of me saying thank you and in 5 minutes I had 2.5 million followers and 3 million likes on that post. Keith looked through the email.

"News, news, fans, news, fans, fans" he reads softly to himself "So many people want to interview you" he is more shocked then I am as I refresh my page and more and more followers come up.

"Omg, omg, omg!" shouts Keith jumping up and down. I grab his phone from him. It's an email from a managing company that wants to manage my career and help me expand my fan base.

"Keith this is crazy, it's only been 24 hours" I say giving his phone back.
"What if I'm not ready for this?" I say leaning back into his wall.

"Kayla you have wanted this since I first met you. Your ready" he winks at me then waffles on about the managing company.

Maybe I am ready, maybe the world doesn't hate me.

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