Chapter 1

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Nico looked out the window of the train he was sat in.

As he gazed out the window, he could see flashes of greens, browns, and greys go by just as quick as they were there.

He shifted uncomfortably in the train seat as he clutched at his leather satchel in his lap. Nico wondered how many types of plant life he would pass each minute, or even second, he was on the train. It had to be in the thousands at least.

Nico was headed from Wales to London to live in a flat just a short way away from the big police center. The one that you see in BBC Sherlock. Scotland Yard? All Nico knew was that he had a chance of seeing Benedict Cumberbatch, and that was enough to make him overlook the smallness of his new apartment (At least he thought it was small, its hard to tell just by looking at the pictures on the website).

Nico loved his old small house and quiet neighborhood, he felt safe there. You see, when Nico was little his mother soon discovered that he could do abnormal things. Things like make his toys float in the air or summon things that he wanted just by willing them to come to him. His mother decided it would be best to keep him in a quieter place, in order to avoid suspicion. His poor mother was all alone taking care of this child that was bound to cause trouble. Which Nico did plenty of. Not on purpose of course, but he did accidentally make that tree fall on his neighbor's car.

His mother is the reason Nico was moving in the first place. She died, and he just couldn't bare to stay there. So, he saved up his money and bought a small flat in London, far away from all of the painful memories.

Nico just hoped that the area wasn't riddled with crime, his dream when he was little was to be a superhero, and with his "talents" (as his mother called them) he wanted to be one more than anything.

Now, he just wanted enough money to put food on his nonexistent table.

Although he didn't think he'd have to worry about accidentally becoming batman. From what Nico had heard, the crime rates in London were down exponentially, he had seen a video going around YouTube of that one prime minister going off on how the numbers were down, and how this was a new era of London. Quite a boring speech if you ask Nico, but it seemed to be popular.

Nico's thoughts were cut short when the speaker over the train intercoms began to sound, a man's muffled voice could be heard.

"Now arriving at King's Cross Station. Prepare to stop."

Nico gathered his thoughts, and his things, and began to make his way to the exit of the train. He ran a hand through his black hair and waited for the door to open.


Nico finally made it from the station to his flat.

He stood outside of the building that was basically in an alleyway. By the time he got to the apartment building, it was past midnight. The darkness didn't help the spookiness of the street. He glanced down at his phone to make sure he had the right address, hoping he was mistaken.

He was in the right place.

His hands fiddled with the key, already on a key-chain, along with a rubber TARDIS that was hooked on with it. Nico just hoped that this place was also bigger on the inside.

His room number was 307. Third floor, seventh room. Nico wondered if it was a lucky number. Probably not.

Nico made his way up the stairs. As he approached the third floor, he could hear someone knocking on a door. Nico thought that was strange seeing as it was late at night, and most of the people staying in this building were probably asleep by now. When he reached the top of the stairs, he could see a blonde man waiting outside of the door labeled 307. Of course, he was at his door.

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