festival e.h.

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you were never fond of going places by yourself. you always loved sharing different experiences with different people but no one cared to join you at a festival featuring one of your favorite artists, y/f/a. their music always made you feel different ways, viewing things from another perspective, opening your mind up. you loved the way it made you react. as you start to file into the crowd trying your hardest to get as close as you could you stop because you couldn't get any further. you were pretty close and your favorite song started to play from y/f/a and you sang the lyrics moving your body a little too much bumping into the closest person next to you, spilling their drink onto themselves.

you were so embarrassed. you notice how drenched they were and felt so terrible. you look up to the tall boy to apologize. he was breathtaking. wow.

edwin pov

someone bumped into me spilling my drink all over my favorite shirt. "shit." i puffed out. "oh my god. i am so sorry." i heard her say. i was so furious and bothered until i saw her face. she was beautiful. absolutely stunning. especially in that outfit she was wearing. "it's no problem, it'll dry." i say. "no, please let me buy you something at the merch stand please. i feel terrible. that's such a sick ass shirt too. i'd be pissed." she shouted over the music putting her hand on her forehead. i could see the guilt she held just by looking at her.

"what will it take for you to give up?" i laughed making her nervously chuckle. "i'm not giving up, after this set i'm buying you a shirt." she implied.

"how about...." i begin by dropping the empty cup that used to hold my drink on the ground and i grab her waist swaying us to the music. "you stay here with me for the rest of this set and you don't have to buy me anything. i want your company instead." i talk in here ear.

"sounds like a deal to me." she said back into my ear.

best festival ever not gonna lie. my favorite music with the most stunning girl.


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