Third Round

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 You joined everyone again "clint was right Watch out meow!" Bucky said smirking at you as you sat down " i want to know what all the fuss is about" Nat almost pouted " Now lets keep going!" Tony yelled handing back the hat " and next up is..." i linger rummaging my hand in the hat " Steve" you yelled and his cheeks turned a tint of red before following me to the closet " Have fun" Clint and Bucky yelled as you left the entertainment room. As the door shut Steve almost pounced on you surprising you at his hunger "Steve" you moaned as he sucked on the already existing hickey where your sweet spot is. He was soft yet harsh and full of lust, this was a total different side of Steve he's usually a sweet, kind, caring, innocent guy but now he was full of lust, he almost looked hungry like he was waiting for this to happen. " i have been waiting for this for a long time" Steve whispered, well that answered that question but what's it with men whispering sexual stuff like what?.

He pulled his shirt over his head revealing his abs just like Bucky did before, he then made his way to you do ing the same once again you stood there in your red lace bra, he then whispered " i like what your wearing its sexy" that sent shivers down your spine " not the first time i've heard that" i whispered back more seductive, he growled at the sexual tone in my voice and with that he scooped me up with one swift motion and i wrapped my legs around his waist and began to kiss his neck like had done to me before. I then found his sweet spot and sucked leaving a mark basically marking my territory, he groaned at the feeling and pushed me against the wall. What's with smashing me into the walls like come on? And what's with them lifting me up like does anyone not know any more moves?. The Tony barged in and again yelling something witty. "Woah there Y/N did you mark your territory?" Nat said as she saw the hickey i left on Steve's neak " you bet i did" i said wink at steve as he sat down " now for the fourth round!" i yelled a little excited now.


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