My own party.

138 7 15


I sat in my new room in the middle of the floor.
I don't know why but,sitting on the ground makes me comfortable.

It was currently 5:32 am. I wake up around thins time everyday. Sometimes later but not by much.

My first day at my new school starts in a few hours so I have time to reread Harry Potter books. I'm almost half way through the third book.

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.

I have a weird obsession with Harry Potter. I would marry him If I could!

I looked at my phone to check the time.

6:02 am

I start getting ready for school I was wearing a loose sweater and skinny jeans.

I grab my backpack out of my small closet and run down all 17 stairs into the kitchen.

"Morning mum!" I say as I almost trip walking to the counter to grab an apple.

"Morning sweetie,school starts in 20 minutes make sure you have everything you need!"

"Ok Mum no worries I have everything I need."

"Are you waking to school?" She asks me.

I nod no,

"I'm riding my bike"
I smile.

She nods as she starts asking Paige the same questions.

'I'm out mom! See you later!"

I run out the door as I hop on my light blue bike and start pedaling to my new school which was around 2 blocks away.

I put my new bike in the bike stand and skip into the new school building. I was only a little nervous not as much as last night.

Today was a Friday so my first day of school is also my last until next Monday.

I got my schedule from the office
And went to my locker,011.

I put my books I'm not using right now in there and kept the ones I am.

Not too far away from me was a girl passing out flyers.

I went closer to see what it was for.

"Hi! come to my party tonight?"
A red head girl asked.

I take the flyer and smile.

It was a beach party,starts at 6 pm.

I mean it's a beach so who could say no?
Me,that's who.

I walk to my class as the bell rings sitting at the back.

The school day went by quick as I was now biking home.

I walk through my back door and see my mom in the kitchen baking something.

My moms not such a good baker..she's always burning everything.

"Hey mom!"
I put my backpack on the counter as I grabbed my laptop out. A piece of paper falls out.

"Hey sweetie,what's this? A party invitation?!" MY mom says excitedly.

"Are you gonna go?!"

"Definitely not,I'm probably going to dance around in my room and have my own party!" I laugh a little.

"You can't do that! What about music?"  She says playfully.

"I'll play one of my vinyls on my record playing,speaking of,can I please go to the record shop? There's one not too far away from here." I asked hopefully.

"On one condition," my mom pauses,

"You go to this party. You never leave this house! You never have fun,you're boring." She jokes.

"Fine" I sigh.

I go in my room and look through my notebook flipping to the page where I wrote the different records I wanted to buy,I had to check what records I was in the mood to listen to!

I shut my book throwing it on my bed grabbing my purse and running out the door and hopping on my light blue bike,once again.


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