Come out and play.

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It was now six pm and my mom was literally shoving my out the door to this beach party.

"Want my to drop you off?" My mom asked.

Hell no! Who would want to be dropped off by their mom to a party?

"uh no I'm good.."

"Okay sweetie! Try not to have too much fun!"

"That won't be a problem" I hop on my bike for the third time today biking to the address on the flyer.


The beach was packed with people some in the water,some dancing and some drinking.

I walk over to the drink table scanning through the drinks.

I see a few cups of water,probably spiked with drugs or something. I think.

I felt a tap on my shoulder.

It was a guy with light brown hair. He kinda looked like an elf not gonna lie.

"Hey,you new here?" He asked.

I nod.

"Yeah what's it to you?" I add.

"What's your name?" He asked.
"I'm millie."

"Haha you're hot. Wanna head back to my place?"

I almost gag.

No,no and no!

"Be right back..'

I turn around and go to some random person/the first boy I seen and tapped them on the shoulder.

His face was all over confusion as he turned around and looked at me.

"Uh this is a weird question..will you be my fake boyfriend to scare that guy away?" I say quickly and embraced

He turned his confusion into a smug smirk.

"And why should I do that?" He challenged.


"I'm just joking,.Jacob saggytits is always after girls to you know,take advantage of 'em."
He starts walking towards the boy
and I follow closely behind.

Whoever this random boy is,he's kind of attractive,he has ebony hair and very pale skin with freckles to match.

"Hey,Sartorius,What are you doing messing with my girl?" The freckled boy leans against the drink table.

"Your girl? She just moved here how is she possibly your girl,Wolfhard?"

freckled boy shrugs.

"Exactly,now if you would,Finn,please move so I can get Millie here a drink."

Finn looks up with the scariest glare I've ever seen. If looks could kill,Jacob would already have been dead 5 minutes ago.

"Haha,I don't think so,saggytits. Don't mess with Millie again or else you won't have a tongue anymore."

Jacob rolls his eyes walking away to another girl.

I look at this finn and run to him and give him a hug.

"Thank you! He was so annoying he wanted me to come back to his place with him." I roll my eyes at Jacobs words from earlier.

"No problem,anytime.."

"Millie." I finish his sentence.

"Well then you're welcome,Millie."

"By the way,I'm Finn,Finn Wolfhard." He says before walking away.

I smile.

He's nice.

The same red head girl who was throwing the party came up to me.

"New girl! Whatever you do do not hang out with Wolfhard." She warns.

"What why not?" I ask utterly confused.

"He's done...things."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2018 ⏰

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