New Day

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Cybertron had been rebuilt and the war had ended so why did he feel so stressed lately like he was being watched followed like someone was out to get him.

Why was he feeling this way? Could it be because he had been seeing shadows.

Or was it because he had treated several bots who had been hurt somehow or other and no one knew how or where their injurys came from.

Maybe he was just paranoid because he had spent so many years on the wrong side of the war.

"Ahh! What was that?" "Oh great now I'm jumping at my own shadow." Thought Knock Out.

Knock Out had been looking over his shoulder the past few weeks but he didn't let any of the Autobot know the last thing the red Austin Martin wanted was to have the bots think the former con was going off the deep end.

Maybe a drive would calm him down. So that's what he decided to do.

"Nothing like a drive to calm the nerves." Knock Out told himself.

He drove outside the city limits to a track so he could go fast. Knock Out zipped by some rocks and could feel dirt and metal under his tires.

This was fun. But it was short lived. The next thing he knew was being blasted off the track. Knock Out transformed and use his feet to push himself away from a rock he was headed for.

Normally Knock Out would be angry about the damage to his paint but he could tell this bot was trying to offline him and he had to get out of there.

Knock Out changed back into his alt mode and started to drive away but the other bot was hot on his tailpipe.

Knock Out transformed again and jumped into a cave hoping to lose his attacker. But now it was so dark it was impossible to see.

Suddenly Knock Out felt himself being grabbed and slammed into the wall of the cave. He was now struggling with his attacker. And could feel energon dripping across his face and chestplates.

Knock Out was fighting hard to free himself from the other bot's grasps but as he took more punches and he could feel himself slipping into emergency recharge.

The other bot hit him once more hard across the helm and Knock Out knew no more.

It was another day in the scrap yard there hadn't been any Decepticons seen in awhile so the Bee Team was having some down time.

When suddenly the a ship showed up out of nowhere. The whole team went to see what was going on. And were surprised to see Ratchet, Arcee, Bulkhead, Smokescreen, Wheeljack, and Ultra Magnus. But what really surprised them is who was with them it was none other then Sound Wave, Starscream and Megatron himself.

"Hi what are you guys doing?" "And why are there three Decepticons with you?" Ask Bumblebee.

"There's trouble on Cybertron someone is brutally attacking Autobots and Decepticons." Said Ultra Magnus.

"These three have defected and are trying to prove they changed for the better." Ratchet explained.

The others couldn't help noticing that Arcee kept giving Starscream death glares.

They all went inside the ship. Where the Bee Team was surprised to see Knock Out hooked up to several machines on some kind of life support.

"Is he gonna be OK?" Ask Russell who along with his father Denny had just entered the ship.

"He had a close call but he'll pull through." Ratchet told them.

"He was attacked then left for scrap." "But luckily Smokescreen discovered him before he offlined." Said Arcee.

"Compared to some of the others he actually got easy." Added Wheeljack.

"We can't let this happen to anyone else we have to find out who's doing this and stop them." Said Bumblebee.

"We'll help anyway we can." Optimus Prime agreed.

To Be Continued.

This is one of my older fanfics that I decided to transfer over from I'm cleaning it up a lot as I post it. But I decided to put this story on Wattpad to share it with you guys and hope you all enjoy it.

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