A Chase

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Knock Out continued to drive as fast as he could go. With Fracture and the two minicons in hot pursuit.

Shayna meanwhile was getting the ride of her life. And had no idea why all this was happening to her.

Then Knock Out slammed on the breaks. And opened his door.

"Go somewhere safe I have to fight back if we're gonna survive this." Knock Out told her.

Not having to be asked twice Shayna ran off in the opposite direction. While Knock Out was fighting Fracture.

But Knock Out hadn't fully healed yet and Fracture hit one of Knock Out's wounds. Causing the red mech to grasp it in pain.

"I can't believe the Autobots sent a wounded team mate to fight me." Said Fracture mockingly. "Oh well easy kill."

Knock Out was in so much pain. Now all he could do was close his optics and wait for the final blow. But it never came.

Knock Out opened his optics to see Drift fighting Fracture. And Ratchet drove over and was helping with his wounds.

"What part of just drive the human to safety did you not get?" Ratchet asked in a scolding tone.

"The part where we were about to be caught because it took you guys forever and next Tuesday to get here." Huffed Knock Out. Much to the amusement of Starscream who had just landed in time to hear the exchange. And couldn't help but chuckle.

"Wait where's the human?" Ask Knock Out remembering he told her to run for it.

"Oh Scrap!" They all three said at once.

Meanwhile Shayna had managed to hide in a cornfield.

"That was a mess." She told herself. "Hope that robot who helped me is OK."

"I'd be more worried about myself if I was you." Hissed a voice from above her.

"Not another one!" Screamed Shayna knowing from the way he spoke that this one wasn't on her side. She took off running through the field.

Thunderhuf transformed into his bulldozer mode and was chasing her and destroying everything in his path.

Shayna kept running knowing if she stopped she would be crushed.

Thunderhuf was gaining on her when all of a sudden Sideswipe and Bumblebee started fighting him.

Just as Shayna made it out of the cornfield. Then Strongarm showed up with Denny and Russell.

"Get in now!" Yelled Russell. Shayna didn't have to be told twice. She just wanted to be anywhere but here.

A ground bridge appeared and they drove through it. And came out at the scrap yard.

"What was that?" Asked Shayna who looked as if she might faint.

When Strongarm stopped the three human's got out. And spent over an hour explaining everything to Shayna and then introduced her to the Autobots, their human friends and the former Decepticons.

After Shayna was up to speed she give the photos she took the day before to Agent Fowler so he could get rid of them.

"Sorry for any trouble I might of caused." Said Shayna.

"We are just glad you are all right." Optimus Prime told her.

"But she's not out of the woods yet Prime the Decepticons might still go after her." Explained Agent Fowler.

"Then we'll have to protect her." Promised Bumblebee.

"And we still need to find out who's been attacking Autobots and Decepticons." Added Raff.

"Looks like we have a lot to do." Said Smokescreen.

"Yes first thing we need to do is decide who will be Shayna's guardian." Bumblebee told them.

Meanwhile at an abandoned steel mill the Decepticons were using for a base.

"I can't believe you guys failed to squish a human." Hissed Steeljaw.

"But at least she won't be anymore trouble then the humans the Autobots already have on their side."

"So what are we going to do now?" Asked Six Shot. "It's not like we can just go attack the Autobots since our once great leader. And three other Cons have joined them we'd be out numbered."

"Yes attacking now would be illogical." Added Shockwave who appeared from the shadows.

"Ah Shackwave so nice to have you join us." Steeljaw greeted him.

"I thought we could use some help so I contacted my bro." Said Six Shot.

"Your decision was logical." Shockwave told his brother. "I will began contacting other Decepticons."

"Then we'll crush the Autobots." Said Steeljaw. "Though I would like to know who's behind the attacks to both fractions."

Meanwhile at the Scrap yard. Ratchet was doing more repairs on Knock Out.

"Knock Out I was meaning to ask you something I noticed when you were fighting Fracture you didn't use your drill." "Why?" Asked Ratchet.

"With all the drama earlier I forgot I couldn't use it because it was gone." Said Knock Out. "Do you think the bot who tried to offline me on Cybertron took it?"

"Well the other victims also had parts missing." Ratchet explained.

"So someone is attacking bots, stealing their parts and leaving them for scrap?" Asked Knock Out. "But why?"

"I don't know." Said Ratchet.

To Be Continued.

Hope you all like the story so far. Feel free to send feedback.

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