A Friend In Need

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After getting Knock Out to the medbay Ratchet wasted no time in treating his injuries. While the others waited outside.

"Hope Knock Out will be ok." Said Jack."looked like he was in bad shape when Ratchet started."

"I'm shore he'll be fine." Sideswipe told him. "Knock out won't offline that easy."

Then Ratchet came out and approached the group.

"How is he?" Asked Arcee.

"He's stable and luckily he wasn't bitten." Explained Ratchet. "But he's in a coma and I don't know when or if he'll wake up."

Everyone was silent. "But I'll keep doing my best to help him." Said Ratchet.

"Keep us informed old friend." Optimus Prime said to the medic.

"I will." Ratchet told him.

Then all of a sudden they heard something crash.

"What was that?" Asked Ratchet. As everyone ran over to see what happened.

Starscream had punched a stasis pod to vent his frustration about what was going on with Knock Out.

"Starscream calm down." Said Bumblebee.

"Don't tell me to calm down!" Yelled Starscream. "my best friend is laying on his death bed!" "Knock Out is like a bother to me and he's helped me so many times." "And now I can't help him!" Screamed Starscream who sounded like he was about to cry.

"Don't worry Starscream Knock Out will pull though." Said Megatron making everyone's mouth drop because they couldn't believe the Decepticon war lord was actually trying to comfort Starscream of all bots.

"Did that really just happen?" Asked Miko.

"Yeah but I still can't believe it." Added Bulkhead.

Meanwhile at New Mech's base. A helicopter had just delivered the charcoaled remains of Arachnid.

"Looks like were one down." Said Spencer.

"You don't sound to torn up about losing Arachnid." Lockdown told him.

"She shouldn't have gone against orders and attacked them to soon." Spencer said to the bounty hunter. "As far as I'm concerned all Cybertronians are expendable."

"Brutal." Said Lockdown.

"We'll find some way to use what's left of her body." Added Spencer.

Meanwhile at the Decepticon base.

"We've been hiding for days but those humans won't leave us alone." Growled Thunderhuff.

"That Lockdown just had to reveal us to the world." Hissed Fracture.

"Don't worry we'll get Lockdown and those humans soon enough." Said Steeljaw. "But first we'll let our newest recruit test his skills on the Autobots." He added looking at the sky with an evil smile.

Meanwhile where the Autobots were everyone was still worried about Knock Out. When they heard something.

"What's with that buzzing sound?" Asked Denny.

"I've been hearing it too." Said Agent Fowler.

Suddenly a Decepticon who looked like a wasp showed up and attacked Bumblebee and the others joined the fight.

"What do you want and who are you anyway?" Asked Starscream.

"Waspinator join Decepticons Waspinator get revenge on Bumblebot." Said the Decepticon who was named Waspinator.

"This con is beyond insane." Huffed Drift.

"What does he have against Bumblebee?" Asked Shayna who was hiding with the rest of the humans.

"He and Bumblebee were friends as sparklings back then his name was Wasp but one day the Decepticons captured him and used him in Shockwave's experiments and changed him into that." Ratchet explained. "He blames Bumblebee because he thinks he abandone him but Bumblebee tried to save him and couldn't find him there was nothing Bumblebee could have done."

Then suddenly Waspinator flew at Raff but Shayna pushed him out of the way and Waspinator grabbed her instead. And she let out a bloodcurdling scream.

From were they were hiding in the medbay the other human members of the team saw Knock Out's optics flash open. And before they knew it he jumped off the table and was outside and used his saw to cut Waspinator's hand off, got Shayna and put her on the ground behind him where she ran to safety.

Knock Out and Waspinator were fighting then Bumblebee joined in Waspinator flew up high and was about to shoot them when he was shot by Optimus, Megatron and Starscream. And literally blown to bits.

Now that the fight was over everyone was glad to see Knock Out awake and out of his coma.

"Shayna are you OK?" Asked Knock Out.

"Yes I'm fine thanks for the save." Said Shayna.

Then Knock Out grabbed his sides and moaned."Outch that really hurts."

"Of coarse it hurts you just came out of a coma and your not fully healed yet." Ratchet scolded him. "Back to bed."

"Good idea rest sounds good." Knock Out agreed.

"I already set up another med bay on the other side of the ground bridge." Said Ratchet. everyone followed them though the ground bridge deciding it wasn't safe to stay in that area much longer.

Once on the other side they got Knock Out into the berth. After checking him out Ratchet reported that after a few days of bed rest he would be A OK back to normal.

Knock Out had sensed Shayna was in trouble through the empathy bond and it had caused him to come out of his coma to save her. Then the others all came to see him after Ratchet gave the OK.

"You really had us scared." Said Bumblebee.

"I knew you would pull through I wasn't concerned one bit." Starscream told him but then to his horror Soundwave revealed he had recorded every word of what he had said earlier and started playing parts of it over and over much to the seeker's dismay.

"Don't tell me to calm down!" "My best friend is laying on his death bed!" "Knock Out is like a bother to me." "He's helped me so many times and now I can't help him!" Soundwave played Starscream's voice over his speakers.

Starscream looked like he wanted to go hide. "Really Soundwave." Groaned Starscream who if he was human would have been blushing.

"Hey Screamer your like a bother to me too." Said Knock Out.

Starscream pretended to pout but the others saw him smile.

Meanwhile where the team had just left Waspinator was putting himself back together.

"Waspinator have planes." Hissed Waspinator as he flew away somewhere.

To Be Continued.

Well that's all for this chapter. Hope you guys like reading this as much as I did writing it.

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