Arario (Hansol/B-Joo)

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B-Joo was furious. It had been almost a month since he had become Hansol's boyfriend and they hadn't even slept with each other!

Okay, he had to admit that it had been his fault that they hadn't done it the night they confessed to each other but, damn it, because of that traffic jam it had taken way too long to get back to the dorm and he had been exhausted from his in the little private room in the club and Hansol's shoulder had just been so damn comfortable...

Yes, it was his fault for falling asleep, but one month!?!?!

Of course they hadn't had that much time after that, because of their promotions for 'Open the door' and their preparations for 'Arario' but B-Joo had asked Hansol more than once to shower with him whenever one of them would stay over at the other's dorm.

And each and every time he had declined. For the past four weeks all they had done was kiss and hold hands.

Even on his birthday...nothing.
B-Joo had really hoped that Hansol would surprise him with something pretty , like...waiting for him wearing a bow tie...ONLY a bow tie.

Yes, he had been on tumblr for too long, but seriously, where did their fans get all these ideas? Not that he didn't like them...but some of them were just too much! Him pregnant with Hansol's child?! Hell no! Not that their children wouldn't be absolutely adorable (and talented), but that was biologically not possible! And why did he have to be the mother?!

With a sigh he stepped out of the shower and dried himself off.

It wasn't just that they hadn't had yet...the smaller dancer also seemed less clingy than usual.

And, to top it all off, as soon as he would leave the room Xero would throw himself at Hansol.

He had told the taller dancer more than once that he should keep his hands off Hansol now that he was officially his boyfriend, but he'd just answer that “a little competition keeps the love alive”.

“Stupid Xero...”, he muttered under his breath putting on his shirt and his pajama pants.

He exited the bathroom, with a towel around his shoulders.

“Jiho-yah, bathroom's free, you can shower now.”, he announced and stopped in his tracks.

He was greeted by a sight that had become way too familiar over the course of the last weeks.

Xero had their smaller hyung pressed against the next wall and the taller dancer was leaning down, leaning dangerously close and whispering something in Hansol's ear.

What bothered him the most was Hansol's expression. Usually the older would look annoyed or amused by Xero's words, but now he looked more he was actually thinking about whatever the other brunette had said to him.

Xero seemed to notice, too, because when he backed away he flashed B-Joo a wide grin.

“Thanks Byungj...” “Hyung we need to talk!”, the blonde dancer interrupted his band mate causing everyone in the room to look at him with a shocked expression.

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