the plan

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Eloise pov
"Black flame are targeting our members and trying to destroy our representation further" i hear F/n say to macoa "we cant prove that." Macoa replies. Their argueig goes on for another few minutes and the battles are called "minerva orland of sabretooth versus F/n scarlet from fairy tail." People start to cheer for sabretooth and boo fairy tail. F/n starts to get angry.

They take their places opposite each other in the colloseum. Minerva seems very cocky but i know F/n has this. Minerva says to F/n "Give up now and you will not be humilated" the crowd cheers this proclomation F/n smirks and turns intoa super sayain 2 "maybe you should give yourself that ultimatum or you will face the destructive power of a sayain." She smirks. "I guess this will be inteesting despite that wretched guild you belong to" she says bitterly "i was going to go easy on you but you just started your self destruct sequence." He then rushes at her and uppercuts her chin and she flies into the sky and he says "FIVE" as he does this. He teleports behind her and kicks her in the back "FOUR" she falls to the floor and a crater is formed he then pinches her into the wall of the crater "THREE" she grunts in pain as she collides. She then disappears and reappers behjnd him and tries to strike him in the head, his hand than cathes her fist and he throws her into the wall of the colloseum and she then gets furrious as he says "two" she then tries to hit him with hher magic. He dodges with ease and appears behind her and kicks her legs out from under her "one" he smitks as she is absolutely livid at being beaten "now to settle this do you fear me enough to give..." somethinf happened the arena is filled with a large magical energy and F/n falls unconsious. What is going on hear, minerva looks confused as he falls to the floor but she notices how all of her wound shave been healed and can tell it was one of her spells. Medics rush to thw field to get F/n healed. I also rush to him and start healing him with my magic all of the wounds he was given by that last attack had been healed but he showed no signs of waking up anytime soon.

F/n pov
I am about to finish the fight when a bright light fills my eyes and blinds me and i feel a thousand years of pain at once. The last thing i see is minerva look surprised as everything goes black and i can no longer feel anything.

Erza Scarlet x Male child saiyan readerWhere stories live. Discover now