Imagine 7

34 3 0

Ashtons soft lips gently move on mine. After a minute or so we switch to french kissing. His soft big hands slide over my back and mess my hair. After a few minutes he closes the kiss with a small one on my nose.

A smile sides over my face. I lay my head against his chest. His chin leans on my head. All the love Luke couldn't give me anymore I found here with Ashton.

'What do we do now?' Ashton looks at me. 'If we tell Luke we'll breack his heart.' I nod. 'But Ash, if we don't, he'll find out someday.' Ashton nods, a small kiss on my head makes clear he'll be there for me. He pulls me in a hug.

Suddenly the door opens. Cals head peeks around the corner. 'Uhum guys?' We quickly let go and look at him. He smiles naughty. 'Luke's waiting downstairs.' Ashton nods slowly. 'Okay.' But I have another plan. 'Send him here!' Cal looks suprised. 'Here? to you two? You'll breack his heart.'

I nod. We have to.

'Hi uhm.. Luke.' Luke looks curious. 'Yeah...?' I swallow. Then I start telling. 'After you left, 3 weeks ago, I felt broken, empty and sick. I haven't been to school, I didn't talk to anyone exept Liz and I didn't eat.' Slowly I pull my shirt up. Luke and Ashtons eyes get big, their mouth fall open. A tear rolls down my face. Ashton sees it. 'Shhhh, it's okay, calm down.' He wraps his arms around me. I go on. 'I also got depressed. I pull up my sleeve. A row cuttings gets to see the light. Ashton still holds me tight. Luke is shocked. 'I-I did t-t-this t-to you?' I slowly nod. 'Sometimes I feel guilty about me giong to your tent.' I pull up my other sleeve.' Even more cuts.


Again a pretty short one, but I'm starting a new book, in Dutch this time. So yeah

xx Dee

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