Imagine 8

33 3 0

'This is what I did to myself.' Even more tears roll down. Ashton slowly lets go. 'It's gonna be fine.'

Suddenly Luke leans forward and kisses me. Before I can pull back Ashton hits him. I push Ashton against the wall. 'Calm now. Shhhh, quiet now.' His face looks like a thunderstorm. I turn around to Luke. He lies on the ground. 'You alright?' I sit down next to him. 'Are you okay?' Luke looks up. He nods.

Suddenly both boys jump on each other, kicking and screaming and hitting.

'CALUM HELP ME!, MICHEAL PLEASE COME UP HERE.' I'm crying. I wisper. 'Help me.' Before I pass out.

When I wake up, I'm just on my own bed. Beside me are all of the boys. 'Hey...' I'm trying to ask what happend. Then I see Luke and Ash. Luke has a blue eye and a bleeding lip. Ash has a bleeding, broken nose. I remember it. The fight. 'She's awake guys!' Calums trusted voice sounds. I look around. Micheal is keeping Luke and Ashton away from eachother. 'Are you okay?' I slowly nod, I'm fine.


Sorry! This is really short I know but I'm getting a writers block on this story.


Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Aug 20, 2014 ⏰

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