Who could have known?

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***YO YO YO YO YO,  you ready? Are ya? Huh? Are you really? ;D Okay! Here goes! Enjoy! P.s. If you like it, vote and fan me? :D***


When I got in the car, I immediately turned up the music as loud as it would let me. I had a feeling people in Africa could hear it, but I didn't care. I just wanted to drown out my thoughts. I didn't wanna think about anything, Louis, the kiss, everything. I had to know if that kiss meant anything. And I knew exactly how to find out.

I pulled up in front of Alyssa's condo and she was already outside waiting for me. Getting out I walked over to her and pulled her into a hug, I was close to tears. Id called her on the way here and told her what was going on. She had been one of my ex's before X-factor and we'd stayed close friends afterwards. I was just glad she lived close by.

I pulled away and looked her in the eyes, looking for a signal. She nodded and I leaned in, pulling her into a passionate kiss. We stood there like that for a few minutes, just kissing. This kiss was different, and not in a good way. It felt like it wasn't right and it was at that moment, as we were pulling away, that I knew for sure. I knew for an absolute fact, that I, Harry Edward Milward Styles was head over heals in love with Louis William Tomlinson.


It was about midnight when we left, and frankly, I was starving. We had to take Zayns car back since Id walked there. He stopped by the store and went in, forcing me to stay in the car and listen to the radio. I was singing along to 'Blow Me a Kiss' by P!nk when he came back, setting the bags in the back. My singing is terrible but he didn't seem to mind as we drove along, just singing to every song that came on.

For the first time in forever, In that car with the radio on and Zayn right be side me, I felt complete.

When we got home, Emily and Liam were asleep on the couch together. Smiling, I pulled out my phone, snapping a picture. This was so going on Twitter. I walked into the kitchen and sat at the bar, watching Zayn pull different pans and ingredients out. What was this boy up too? He did realize that it way to late to cook anything, right?

"Having fun? Cuz I was just gonna get something to put in the microwave." He smiled, looking over his shoulder at me. "Yeah, but, I like to cook for people...especially my boyfriend." Im pretty sure when he said that, my face turned as red as a tomato. Was that what we were? Boyfriends? We had kissed once but he hadn't officially asked me so I didn't want to think so if we weren't.

If someone had told me just three days ago, that Id go against everything I believe in and start dating Zayn Malik, I'd have probably punched them in the face. Seriously, just punched them and walked away. I watched him as he cooked, throwing different things in and tossing the pan around. It was like something out of a movie.

Every teenage girl in the world must be so jealous of me right now...if they knew, that is. My smile quickly faded. What did Zayn plan on doing? Was he gonna tell people about us? Or keep it a secret? We weren't exactly serious enough to tell the fans, I mean, its been two days. But what about the boys? IF we did tell them, how would they take it? They didn't exactly seem like they would be anything but happy for us, but you never really know....

Maybe this was gonna be harder than I thought.


I wondered if the boys had noticed i'm gone by now. Id left this morning but didn't plan on staying this long. I looked over at Dakota sleeping beside me, she looked so peaceful in her sleep. Almost as if all the problems of the world were gone. I planned on introducing her to the boys tomorrow, and I just knew they would love her. Just like I do...well not just like I do.

I wrapped my arms around Dakotas side, snuggling her closer too me. She stirred slightly but soon fell back asleep. I don't know how I went so long without her in my life. I'd been dating her for about a month now behind the boys backs but I couldn't do it anymore. I wanted to be able to talk about her and bring her over. But for that to happen they had to meet her first.

I just layed there in the dark, Dakotas warm body against my own, listening to her steady breathing. She truly was gorgeous. It wasn't long until I had fallen asleep, with a smile on my face and Dakota by my side.


I grabbed our plates and a 2 liter of coke out of the fridge and took our plates outside, setting them by the pool. I had made homemade stir-fry for Chris, and I hoped he liked it. I sat down slowly, letting my feet dangle in the cold pool water. We just sat there, eating in silence, and looking at the stars.

"How'd you know?" I turned and looked at him, confused. "How did I know what?" He chuckled lightly, "That I prefer coke to wine any day." he said simply. I smiled at him, scooting closer. We had both just about finished our food, when I felt his head in my lap. Chris looked up at me, tracing my lips lightly with his finger, before dropping it again.

I could tell something was bothering him and I was tempted to press him about it but changed my mind. I really didn't want to ruin this moment. I grabbed my phone, flipping through different songs until I came across the perfect one. The song started to play and I stood up, grabbing his hand and pulling him with me. He looked confused when I pulled him to me, wrapping my arms around his waist, but he quickly caught on and pretty soon we were swaying to the music.

I feel like i'm back on the playground, roses in my hand now.

Hearts about to jump out of my chest.

Tried to tell you what it feels like, nothing ever sounds right, words become permanent.

Do you love me?

Do you love me?

"I love this song..", he whispered, looking up at me. I saw tears in his eyes, and I immediately reached up to wipe them away. "This is so new to me..and I'm scared.", I pulled him over to one of the lay out chairs, and sat down in it, leaning back, pulling him up against me. I slowly rubbed circles on his back, looking into the night sky and searching for the right words.

"I'm scared too, I mean, 3 days ago I'd have never even thought that I might like another boy, but then I met you and things changed. Every since I first layed eyes on you, your all I can think about. When I look into your eyes, and I see all those secrets and fears you've got locked away, I want nothing more than to share them with you. I don't know what might happen in the future, but I know that right now, laying here with you in my arms, I feel like nothing can hurt me. It just feels...right.", I looked down at him briefly and noticed his eyes were closed but he was smiling, so I knew he'd heard me.

"I do, ya know..love you I mean." and with that he fell asleep. I knew that if I let him sleep and we stayed out here, in the morning the boys would find us and they would know. But at that moment, I didn't care. I just wanted the moment to last forever..or at the very least, as long as possible.


I woke up the next morning with Louis cuddled up beside me, and I couldn't help but smile. I was right, he did love me. I reached over, running my hands through his curls and tugging lightly. I wanted to wake him up as lightly as possible. I wanted to wake him up and tell him. I wanted him to know that I loved him. And that I always had and I always would.

I leaned down about to wake him with a kiss when my phone viberated beside me. Reaching over I unlocked it glancing curiously at the screen. It took a second for my brain to register what it was seeing but when it did, my breathe caught in my throat and reality came crashing back down, hitting me square in the chest.

There was a picture from Twitter of Harry kissing some girl with the caption 'Harry Styles Latest Swing? Or is it something more?'. I could tell the photo was from last night because he was wearing the same thing as now.

"Oh Boo Bear, your awake.." Harry voice said from beside me.

I dare you...too love me. (A One Direction fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now