And if I let you down..

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*** Seriously, I love the comments. They give me inspiration to write more, even if its just one or two. Thank you <3 If you like it, vote and fan me, thanks! ***


I woke up, slowly adjusting my eyes to the blinding light. I could feel Louis warm body next to mine and an immediate smile spread across my face. I could really get used to waking up to this every morning. I looked up at the guy that I was in love (Yes, guy. This was gonna take some time to get used to..) with, he was so beautiful, even when he first wakes up.

"Oh Boo Bear, your awake", I murmured, looking up at my beautiful Lou. It was then, when he looked down at me, that I could see the tears in his eyes. My heart immediately lurched at the site of my Louis in pain. I hated seeing him upset, I always have. Whenever he cried, I would always end up crying with him.

I reached up, wiping away the salty tears on his cheeks. "Whats wrong? Who made my Boo cry?", I asked sitting up, concern and worry filling my voice. Instead of answering, he flinched away from my touch, as if it burned him. Had I done something wrong? Was I the reason my Boo was in tears? Questions immediately filled my head in a panic.

"You can tell me anything Lou..", I whispered, hurt my his sudden actions. Instead of answering me though, he threw the phone down beside me and got up, rushing out of the room, slamming the door behind him. I could fill the tears Filling my eyes, but I blinked them back, refusing to let them fall. Picking up the phone, I glanced down at the source of Louis heartbreak.

My heart crept into my throat, threatening to strangle me, and my chest immediately started constricting. I couldn't breathe. The tears i'd been holding back spilled over. It was me, I had hurt my Lou. My innocent, joyful Lou..To say that I was hurting because I had hurt my Boo Bear would be a major understatement. It was more like a herd of pissed off elephants trampled over my chest, leaving my heart in a dying decay on the floor.

Grabbing Louis phone I sent a quick text to Liam, 

LiLi, I need you..please..~ Hazza.

I knew if anyone would understand and not judge me, it'd be Liam. He would know what to do, he always did. No matter what situation one of us got into, it was always Liam who found a way to get us out. Its just the type of person he is, Caring and Considerate, always putting others before himself. And that why I love him...just not like I love Lou.

"Whats going on?!", Liam burst through the door, concern filling his eyes and a first aid kit in hand. Okay, so i admit, sometimes he took things a little to far. What did he think id done? Stabbed someone? But then again, he was Daddy Direction. Don't let that fool you though, he can be just as playful as us most of the time, but hes also there for you when you need him. Did I mention that's why I love him? He was honestly one of my best friends.

I just looked at him, shaking my head and crying silently. He sat down beside me and started rubbing my back before asking me again, what was wrong. I didn't answer but instead, just handed him the phone. He looked from it to me, confusion clear on his face. I sighed and forced myself to stop crying, and then told him everything. Starting with Xfactor and falling for Louis and the kiss, everything.

The whole time he just looked off into the distance, nodding his head. Finally I finished and dropped my head in my hands. What had I just done? Yes, I could tell Liam Anything. But what was to much? Was this crossing the line? The last thing I wanted to do was make Liam uncomfortable around me..

"You messed up mate, big time. But, Ill tell you this much, if you love him, prove it to him. Because hes not going to believe you simply telling him. And Harry?" I looked at him questioningly. "Next time, don't be such a bloody idiot. Louis is vulnerable, even thought he may denie it, he is. You knew that if you kissed that girl in public, there was bound to be pictures, and he was bound to see. You've got one chance left, don't fuck it up.", and with that, he left, shutting the door quietly behind him.

I dare you...too love me. (A One Direction fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now