Part 7 (2)

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I lay with my back against Harry’s chest and his legs either side of my own. The water was warm and soothing and bubbles covered the surface of the rose-scented water. My eyes were shut and my head was resting against his shoulder; completely relaxed. 

“I like your friends,” I murmured.

He crossed his arms over my chest and pressed his lips to my neck. “I’m glad you do. They liked you as well. Probably even more than me.”

I smirked as he laughed against my wet skin. I could feel my blood burning right at the surface of my flesh from the temperature of the water. He ran his hands over the very innards of my thighs, just next to the crease; moving his hands back and forth at a soothing pace. As he cupped my centre with the palm of his hand, I knew that his intention wasn’t to arouse me, but to merely touch and explore my body intimately beneath the water. I hummed and ran my palms over his thighs. I could feel his cock against my back; completely soft and relaxed. Intimacy like this had only ever come to my mind in my few and fleeting romantic fantasies. I wasn’t a hopeless romantic. For centuries, romance had been romanticised by heartbroken poets and emotional females, and I knew that these were often just mere ideals that escaped the reality of the world that we lived in. But this. Here. Right now. I felt so contented and satisfied.

By the time Harry and I had dried off and gotten into bed, it was gone half two in the morning. With the winter months drawing in, I’d borrowed one of Harry’s jumpers to wear in bed as well as a rather fetching pair of socks that were about five sizes too big for my feet. Harry had laughed hysterically as I stood before him with his white knitted jumper hanging almost to my knees and black socks bunched around my ankles. And Harry being Harry, had decided to still sleep completely naked.

We lay in bed with our fronts flush against one another and hands around each other’s waists, kissing for what felt like hours. I was tired and worn out but I wanted to stay awake to kiss and talk and laugh with him.


He stole his lips from mine and I instantly followed, to which he smiled and pressed his lips to mine again. As he pulled away and propped his head up with his hand, I looked up at him and could tell something was playing on his mind. He let out a long sigh that made my heart lurch into my mouth. 

“I’m going away for a while…”

I shifted myself on to my elbow and mirrored his pose.

“How long for?”

It was the first question that came into my mind.

“Six weeks. To the US until the middle of November. Album promo stuff…”

“When do you leave?”

“Tomorrow morning. I found out today but I was having a nice time with you and didn’t want to bring it up and ruin it.”

I thought for a moment as I brushed my fingers through his curls. “Well you have to go, so there’s no point in being sad.” 

I smiled and he moved his hand beneath my jumper, stroking my waist. Even though a deep sadness churned right in the pit of my stomach at the thought of him going away for that length of time, I understood that that’s what his career entailed and that he had to do these things. I’d expected it right from the beginning. I guess that I’d just not given it much thought.

“Besides, a month will fly by. Probably more so for you,” I laughed as I tried to lighten the mood.

A slight smile touched his pink lips. “That’s very true.” 

“Just send me a postcard.”

“I’ll call you.”

“That will cost you a fortune, Harry,” I laughed.

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