Chapter 2

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Harry encircleed his hand around Draco's neck as Draco pulled him out of Narcissa's arms. Both stared into the other's eyes intensely. All the adults could only stare wide eyes as the two ten year olds brought their foreheads together. In that moment the two light clash and turn into a white beam, causing every on looker to have to shield their eyes.

The light disappeared as quickly as it had appeared. The only thing left was the two ten year old boys staring each other, still clinging to each other tightly.

“Right, Cissy, why don’t we all go and get some dinner, I’m sure young Harry here is famished,” said the Draco look-alike, while giving his wife a loving smile.

“Who are you?” Harry asked. "You look like Draco,” he added, looking up from under Draco's arm.

“Of course I do, who do you think he got his good looks from,” the man said with a playful chuckle.

“Harry, this is my father, Lucius Malfoy,” Draco explained with a role of his eyes. Draco let Harry out of his embrace but kept hold of his hand.

“You can just call me Lucius, Harry.” Lucius said.

After that everyone went down to have dinner, as by then all the guests for Draco birthday party has been send home. So it was just Harry, Draco, Narissca, Severus, and Lucius in the dinning hall.

Harry stared wide-eyed at all the food being served, and was still nervous around his new family. He didn't what to eat first, so he had Draco help him a bit with his choices for the main course. However Harry has chosen his own dessert, a slice of chocolate cake that had fudge filling. It was a feast for Harry, and he had never been more full in his life! "Thank you for the food." Harry said and started gathering the dishes.

"What are you doing Harry?" Draco ask while making Harry put the dishes down.

"I'm going to do the dishes, don't I have to do it? After all you did gave me food" Harry said.

"No, that what House elves are for, Harry. If you take their job they will punish themselves, thinking they did a bad job." Answer Draco.

"That's terrible!" Harry said hurriedly putting the dishes down, not wanting to be the cause of someone getting hurt.

Nodding, Draco pulled Harry along following the adults into the private sitting room. Everyone settled down with Lucius in an armchair, Severus and Narissca on couch, finally Draco and Harry sat on the floor by Narissca legs. Harry notice that Narissca and Severus has been shoot glacé at each other and Lucius way. Finally, Severus sighs, and stares at Lucius getting his attention. "Lucius," Severus said slowly, "Do you know Harry's surname?"

Lucius look at Severus as if he had grown another head. "No, I believe not, since this is the first time we have ever met and he didn't inform me of it," Lucius replied. "It shouldn't be that important."

"I don't think I'm the right person to inform you, since-" Severus rambles.

"Just tell me his sir name!" Lucius hissed in annoyance.

"It's Potter." Severus said hurriedly.

"Oh," was all Lucius mange to say before Draco cut him off.

"You're Harry Potter! The Harry Potter!" asked Draco.

"Uh, um, I'm Harry Potter, but I'm not sure if I'm the one you’re talking about." Harry answer shifting in his sit.

"Harry dear do you know anything about magic?" Narissca ask him kindly. Harry jump up and hurried to cover up Narissca mouth. Startled, Narissca gave him a confused look, as did the rest. "Shh, don't say that word it's a curse! Uncle Vermon will hurt you if he hears you say it," Harry replied frightfully.

"That not true Harry, magic is a gift not a curse and it is wonderful." Draco reply trying to convince him that magic is not a curse.

"What are you talking about Draco, magic isn't real and even if it is, it's a curse, because people will call you a freak." Harry said sadly.

At that moment everyone's heart in the room went out to Harry. They all seemed to have come to one and the same conclusion, to show Harry the wonders of magic. So all of them spent the next few hours showing Harry different spells. However when Harry yawned, everyone finally looked up at the clock and noted that it read 9:00 p.m. It was late and they all pulled in for the night.

That night, for the first time in his life, Harry was happy. Not only was he full but he also got to take a bath without his cousin trying to make the water hot enough to burn him. Then, this was his very first night that someone tucked him in. (The first of many, he hoped.) Narissca even sang to him, it was heaven! It was just so amazing Harry had to wonder "Is all this real? Or is all this my imagination?" So to reassure himself the ten year old reached out to his supposed mother figure, and as he reached out, he felt her warm, welcoming scent. He then once again allowed himself to be drawn into the darkness of his conscious.

Okay guys I know this is way shorter than the first and with worst grammer, but I hope you will enjoy it. Also please leave me review and idea for what should happen next.


Thank you!

(Also a note of thanks to my awsome Beta David-El!)

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