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The whole summer flew by in a snap, it was pretty quick don't you think? Along with that, the day that Rose was dreading was approaching quicker and quicker.

It was almost the first day of school.

She hoped that Jane and Felicity would've forgotten about her, and stop bullying her this year. Rose wasn't sure what her experience would be like this year, it couldn't be any worse than last year, right? In fact, it could be an amazing school year!

She spent the whole night thinking about what her first day back to school would be like. Although, along with her hopeful thinking, her memories from last year soon came flooding back. Rose cried herself to sleep, why did she have to go through that pain? Why were those girls so cruel to her? They were the same age as her, did they enjoy seeing other people in pain?

She could only wonder what those girls would be like when they were older…

Rose woke up, got dressed and headed off to school with Ally.

The bell rang as soon as she reached the front door of the school, she rushed into her seat before the teacher could even say, “Good Morning!”

Rose was pleased to see that she was sitting next to Gertrude and Ethel, and Mary was sitting right in front of her too!

“Hello, Gertrude!” She whispered excitedly.

“Nice to see you again, Ethel!” Rose whispered to Ethel.

They both grinned at her and went back to paying attention on the lesson.

Rose felt a warm, bubbly feeling in her stomach, and a smile slowly spreading across her face.

Maybe this year wouldn't be so bad after all...

Meanwhile, Jane and Felicity were snickering about Rose behind her back, she could feel their eyes burning holes into the back of her head and reaching her skull.

Thankfully, they were sitting two rows behind her, they couldn't do her any harm while she was in class.

Rose felt that it would be safer to just play with her friends at recess time. Much better than being by herself. If her friends were nearby, Jane and Felicity wouldn't dare come near her.

After they ate their snack, the recess bell rang and they headed out all at once. Rose stuck by Gertrude, Mary, and Ethel and played the games that they played, her first day was going by perfectly fine.

Rose went through, Arithmetic, Lunch, Spelling, and Cursive.

Jane and Felicity didn't touch her, or even TALK to her the whole day. This was the first time in AGES, that she had actually felt grateful. Ally and Rose walked home while chatting about their day.

“So, how was your first day back?” Ally asked calmly.

“It was wonderful! Oh, I hope tomorrow will feel just the same!” Rose sighed dreamily.

Ally grinned at her and they walked home silently the rest of the way.

When Rose reached her home, she said goodbye to Ally and went inside.

She was greeted by Grandma Caroline and told her about the amazing day she had.

“I hope it will be a great day tomorrow too…”

Rose had a peaceful sleep that night.

It's been a long time since she has.

Her Happy Child YearsWhere stories live. Discover now