First thing first I am lucky that I have a family that is boring. Just to let you know I'm being sarcastic. They never do nothing, they only sit there and watch tv. All four of us love to watch tv and we dont even talk to each other to ask how was our day. We just sit there and enjoy tv rather than enjoying each other like a warming loving happy family.
There is my father aka the cable man. He has worked with installing cable for before I was born. So we have "the best cable ever programed in planet earth". I officially hate all those eight words I heard that catch phrase for as long as I was programed in planet earth. Dont worry I'm not a robot! Well you know what I'm saying. And ever since then that has been my dads ringtone since he owned a cellular phone. He even recorded the whole family say "the best cable ever made in planet earth" and put that as his alarm tone for when he wakes up every morning! Let me say my bedroom is right next door to my parents room and the walls are like paper. So when my dad decides to snooze the alarm it rings every ten minutes! So here I am screaming onto my pillow and maybe saying things that shouldn't be said. He really takes his job very serious dont get me wrong even though he might seem crazy, he isn't. Another member of the usual family is my lovely beautiful mother where I get my looks from. She works as a nurse and it does sound strange that she watches tv alot! Supposedly tv is "unhealthy", which I dont realy understand because tv doesn't physically go into our body. But it does "mentally", sometimes I wonder if I could ever prove them that there statement is false. But I'm not the smartest person to actually prove them wrong. She is a good mother I guess, if she feeds me and has a roof over my head . She's reached my standards of being a good mother. And the last member of the family excluding me is Isaiah Rivers my older brother. He's the captain of the lacrosse team at our school. We are both seniors even though he's one year older than me in age but he entered school late. He's eighteen, he finally hit the big one eight last moth which was September 27. He isn't a jerk like many people his age he actually cares about me! Even though he really doesn't claim that I'm his sister at school .
I had asked him one time when he was eating in the kitchen sitting in the counter, " Isaiah are you ashamed that I'm your sister?"
He simply responded with a simple "No".
" Are you sure because when people ask me that if I'm your sister and I say yes they give me a uncomfortable look."
He forced a smile and stated that,"They are just surprised that I have a beautiful sister like you!"
I shoot him a glare and responded "sure" but in my sarcastic tone.
He quickly left the kitchen and exited the house letting my mom know that he was going to be gone for a couple of minutes. But in reality its a couple of hours. That night he had called me around three o'clock in the morning asking me if I could open the back door since he didn't want to wake up my parents because there room is close to distance of the front door. So like a good sister that I am I went to do that.
Overall over that he kinda is keeping me a secret to everyone else in a way. Well this is my family and we love watching tv. I introduce you to the River family, a boring family as it is.
Light was shinning through my bedroom. Letting me know that its monday and its a school day. I screamed into my pillow which is something that I usually do mostly every morning. Im really not anticipating this day, what I really want to do is just stay home and lay in bed and watch tv. But unfortunately I can't my parents are realy strict about school and they are really hoping that I turn out to be a lawyer. But they never let me miss a day of school. It really sucks because even when I'm sick. They force me to go to school unless I'm dying then I'm ok to got to school as in what my mother says.
I finally got out of bed and went straight to the bathroom which is located across my bedroom and did my girly business. I walked out of the bathroom running into Isaiah he didn't seem to mind because he continued walking and went to the bathroom doing his boy business. It looked like he had a long night with the look of his face. I walked into my bedroom wondering what to where today. Even though I dont have many choices I just grabbed some dark jeans, and a flannel with my pair of black Keds. I really didn't put much effort of being gorgeous. I just wore what I decided was comfortable. I simply just pit my hair in a messy bun not even bothering to comb it before tiyng it up. And I don't wear make up, yes I understand that it makes you "beautiful". I strongly disagree because it seems like to me that makeup makes people look like a clown. But I guess thats just me, I dont like makeup. You can call me strange.
I grabbed my back pack from I side my closet and pulled my phone of the charger and put it inside my back pocket of my jeans. I walked out of my bedroom and walked to the kitchen hoping my mom did breakfast before she went to work. She leaves the house to go to work when I wake up. So I barely get to see her in the mornings. But with my luck she didn't make nothing all she left was a note saying " Sorry honey I was in a rush you have to eat cereal today". Great no breakfast for me today.
I grabbed my keys to my car and noticed that my car was the only one left in the driveway. I guess everyone left now. School was about five minutes away from home so it didn't take me long when I arrived to the school parking lot. I parked at one of the farthest parking space away from school since all the close ones were taken. Here goes another worthless day at school.
I turned the engine off and grabbed my back pack walking to the school. I quickly grabbed my phone from my back pocket and slipped it inside my backpack. I feel if its on me then I will crack it or loose it. The main hallway was packed of students at there locker either socializing or grabbing their books for their next class. Luckily my locker isn't in the main hallway so I'm glad my locker isn't in surrounding of many people. I grabbed my books for my first two classes and closed my locker walking straight to literature. I receive some what strange stares from people because I'm walking by myself. I was thinking about how life is now and how it was back then I wonder who was the person that invinted hair spray and what made them... BOOM.
There I go smashing my face onto someone. I was caught so much into thought that I didn't notice walking staring in front of Aden Winter running into his chest. I looked up at him and just giving me a look as 'what are you doing' I realized that I still haven't moved from that position.
"Im sorry I didn't see you there I was distracted", ugh let me kill myself that just sounded to creepy. Sounding like 'oh sorry I was distracted at your gorgeous face'. I finally moved my self away from him.
He looked at me and responded ,"Next time watch where your going ". His friend that was walking with him just shoot me a glare basically telling me bye. I apologized again sounding pathetic and walked to my literature. Postive that the whole class witnessed or seen that my face was red from my little incident.