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"I'm sorry I can't pick up the phone right now—"

Yuta curses as he hangs up the phone once more. He has tried to call Taeyong nearly 20 times now and he still won't answer.

The Japanese boy has been worried sick ever since he saw how concerned Jaehyun was that his friend was going to do something stupid.

He was hoping he would get a message or a phone call from either of the two yet it has been an hour and he has here nothing.

The clinic isn't too busy today, so Yuta decided to go home early, leaving the other staff to fill in for him.

He walks at a swift pace as he makes his way to the apartment. Sicheng should be there, it's his day off today.

Once at the door, he keys in the code and walks inside. Taking a deep breath as he kicks off his shoes before making his way to the lounge room where he can hear the television playing.

"Yuta?" Sicheng sounds surprised as he sees his boyfriend entering the house. He pauses his show and moves into a seated position on the couch instead of laying down.

"I've missed you" Yuta whines as he takes a seat beside his boyfriend, instantly snuggling into the younger's side.

Sicheng doesn't question it and just wraps his arms around the older, a soft smile forming on his lips.

His expression falters as he feels something wet on his wrist. He looks down in confusion to see his boyfriend is silently crying.

"What's wrong?" Sicheng pulls his arms back as Yuta positions himself so he's laying on the couch with his head resting on the younger's lap.

"Taeyong is hurting and there's nothing I can do. I'm his best friend yet I can't help him. He is breaking and I'm just sitting on the sidelines" Yuta's voice wavers.

"You treat Taeyong as though he were a prince. I used to be jealous of how well you'd treat him. Yuta, you are doing all that you can to help him recover. It's hard because his situation is tough and it's difficult to be able to know how to help." Sicheng tries to assure the older.

"I know, I just feel so useless. He is like a brother to me. I hate seeing him in so much pain. I thought Jaehyun was going to save him, yet Johnny ruined everything. I don't know how Tae will manage to pull himself together all over again. He nearly died the first time."

Sicheng gently grabs Yuta's hand and brings it to his lips, delicately kissing it before lowering it once more.

"He is a fighter Yuta, just like you."

The older smiles tightly as he sits up, he turns to face the younger before kissing him.

The younger smirks into the kiss as he moves so he is straddling the Japanese boy. He deepens the kiss, running his fingers through the older's hair.

They are interrupted as Yuta's phone begins to ring, the sound echoing throughout the apartment.

Muttering an apology, Yuta pushes his boyfriend to the side and rushes to grab the phone, answering straight away as he sees the caller ID.

"Taeyong?! Are you okay?!" He calls out into the phone.

"I'm fine. I'm with Jae, we are just about to go out for lunch. You called a lot" The older explains.

"Indeed, I was worried about you" Yuta breathes a sigh of relief as he hears his friend speaking to him.

"Well I'm okay. There's nothing to be worried about" Taeyong sighs into the phone.

"I'll call you later okay? Enjoy your lunch. I love you" Yuta lowers the tone of his voice.

"I love you too Yuta" The older hangs up first.

Yuta turns to face Sicheng who is evidently hard beneath his tightening jeans. He can tell the mood has dissolved as he glances at the older.

"That was Taeyong, but something is wrong. He wasn't acting like his usual self."

"What do you mean?" Sicheng queries, standing from the couch.

"He said him and Jaehyun were about to go out for lunch. It's nearly 3pm. Most cafes will close their kitchens soon" Yuta pulls his hands through his hair as he tries to process the phone call.

That's when it hits him, he runs to the front door and hurries to put his shoes on.

"Where are you going?" Sicheng rushes after him.

"To save him" Is all Yuta says before running out of the apartment.

Jaehyun had fallen asleep.

Taeyong cried in his arms for nearly an hour before managing to convince the younger that he was tired.

The pair lied down and it didn't take long for the doctor to fall asleep. His eyes were especially heavy after all the crying he did himself.

Taeyong finishes writing his note, gently placing it on his pillow beside the sleeping younger before leaving the room.

He leaves his phone in the apartment along with all of his important belongings before making his way out of the building.

"I will make you all happy" He mutters as he nears the bridge.

Yuta arrives at the apartment, he keys in the code and rushes inside. Immediately he feels alarmed as notices Taeyong's phone and wallet on the kitchen bench.

He runs into the bedroom to see Jaehyun sound asleep on the bed, a note beside his head which is addressed to him and Yuta.

The Japanese boy grabs the note and opens it;

I've only ever wanted to make you both happy. What Johnny did made me realise how much damage I cause to others.
.If it weren't for me, he would've never done that. I saw Ten and he responded just as he said he would.
I only ever hurt the ones who I love most.
That is going to stop.
You are both going to be ecstatic within the hour.

I love you both and thank you for everything

Lee Taeyong

Yuta roughly shakes Jaehyun who slowly stirs awake. His eyes opening and widening as he notices the older standing before him.

"We have to go and we have to go now" Yuta exclaims.

Jaehyun's features are filled with confusion but slowly turn to worry as he notices the note in the older's hand.

He jumps off the bed and the pair both run out of the apartment, neither knowing where to go.

A/N - this was meant to be a fluffy filler chapter but look what happened. anywho this story will probably only have 20 chapters. i haven't decided yet hehe

thanks for reading!!

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