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Jaehyun sat in his office and tap his pen against the desk while he waits for Taeyong to come and inform him on his schedule for the day.

He's hoping it won't be too busy, or at least that it'll be people who aren't too severe.

But who is he kidding. Everyone he sees is severe otherwise they'd be seeing a different psychologist.

He smiles eagerly as he hears a knock on the door. Putting the pen down he leans back into his seat and calls out for the person to enter.

The door opens and Taeyong walks in, he holds a stack of files as he heads over to the younger's desk.

"You only have three patients today" The older informs as he hands the files over.

Jaehyun begins to flip through them, halting when he sees a familiar name appear.

"Ten is the first one" Taeyong speaks before the doctor has a chance to question him about why he has Ten's file.

"Are you going to be okay with him being here today?" Jaehyun puts the files on the table, turning to face his boyfriend.

Taeyong nods softly, lowering his gaze to the floor.
"Ten stood up for me. He knows about Johnny and he fought back when I couldn't."

Jaehyun stands from his chair and walks around the desk to wrap his arms around the older. Taeyong doesn't hesitate to bury himself into the younger's arms.

"He isn't going to come near you ever again. I swear on my mother's grave that I will always protect you Taeyong."

Taeyong feels his eyes welling up as he hears this. He wants to tell Jae the truth about his small breakdown after this morning.

Why is it so hard to talk to Jae about these things?

It shouldn't be this hard. More then anything, Taeyong wants him to know so he can hold and comfort him. Yet instead he is too ashamed to tell anyone.

"He will be here soon, I should go and get ready to key in his info" Taeyong speaks softly.

Jaehyun pulls away enough to peck the older's lips before stepping away from him.

Taeyong smiles tightly before walking out of the room, closing the door behind him.

The doctor takes his seat once more and opens Ten's file.

Taeyong didn't panic when he saw Ten walk out of the elevator. The Thai boy smiles at the older sadly as he quickly makes his way to him.

"You're year for your appointment with Dr Jung?" Taeyong treats him as though he were just another one of his boyfriend's patients.

Ten nods firmly.

Taeyong clicks on his name and prints out a form. He places it on the counter before him with a pen.

"I'll need you to fill this out as this is your first time coming to this practice" He informs.

Ten picks up the pen and begins to write down all of his information.

"Whatever has happened, I know you will get through it" Taeyong mutters, causing the younger to pause what he is writing.

"I hope so" He smiles tightly before continuing to fill out the form. He finishes it and hands it back to Taeyong.

"Your appointment is scheduled for an hour. You may go in when you are ready" Taeyong gestures to the door to Jaehyun's office.

"Thanks Tae, this really does mean a lot" Ten speaks, voice thick with gratitude as he enters Jaehyun's office.

Taeyong examines the form, immediately he begins to transfer the written information to the document on his computer.

"Ten, before we begin" Jaehyun grabs his clipboard and glasses before making his way to the chair which is in front of the patients couch.

"I want to thank you for being there for Taeyong when I was unable to. It gives me a lot of reassurance that he wasn't completely alone when Johnny did his thing."

"It's okay. I still care about Tae, I always will. What Johnny did is disgusting and I'm beyond disgusted with him" Ten speaks the last phrase with a bitter tone.

Jaehyun sighs as he gently slips his glasses into place, getting his clipboard and paper ready to begin the session.

"So tell me, what caused you to come back to Korea?" He asks as the first question.

Ten clasps his hands together in his lap, immediately beginning to fiddle with his thumbs.

"Thailand just no longer felt like home. I wanted to come back to someplace where I actually felt comfortable."

"What happened to make your home country lose its homely feel?" Jaehyun questions.

"Mother got sick after Lisa died. She didn't take her death well at all. She stopped sleeping and hardly ate. Of course her health deteriorated quickly." Ten takes a deep breath as though the next bit is hard to recall.

"Soon she started to go insane. She believed that Lisa was on a school trip and would be back within a week. Father and I tried hard to help her but nothing we did worked. We ended up calling for an ambulance to take her to the psych ward at the local hospital. She didn't leave happily, stating that I was an abomination as she left. The ambulance got into an accident on the way and she lost her life."

"I'm sorry for your loss" Jaehyun shares his condolences. "By the sounds of it, due to your sister's unfortunate passing, it has lead to have a huge impact on not just you but on your family. Home no longer feels like home as someone is missing."

Ten nods quickly, fiddling with his thumbs faster then before as he continued to listen to the doctor's words.

"Your mind has been through a lot of traumas within the past year. If it's left for much longer you will begin to deteriorate yourself." Jaehyun opens Ten's file and frowns before speaking again.

"I believe that you will spiral into anxiety or even depression if this isn't dealt with. I want us to have regular appointments."

"I agree" Ten states softly.

"Now tell me, what we're your thoughts when you heard of what happened to Taeyong? Did this negatively affect you?" Jaehyun queries.

"I was shocked at first. I didn't want to believe it. Johnny had been so kind when we were together. Yes I knew he didn't deal with the break up well but I never thought he would be the kind to do such a terrible thing. It stressed me as I believe in some way it's my fault."

"In what way is that?" Jaehyun takes his glasses off as he listens for Ten's response.

"If I didn't cheat in Tae in the first place...Then we would have never broken up. I would have never been with Johnny. He would never have touched Tae and Lisa would probably be alive today. I screwed up, real bad."

"You did screw up Ten but this isn't your fault. You can't blame yourself for what happened to Taeyong. That will only quicken your spiral into the dark depths of the mind" Jaehyun leans back in his chair.

Ten stops fiddling with his thumbs as he raises his head to meet the doctor's gaze.
"You're an amazing psychologist" He states firmly.

"I know" Jaehyun replies, beaming with confidence.

A/N - yo yo yo

yeah idk where that was going hA i'm bored ashdbwhcbwbf

thanks for reading!!

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