Moon Mist by Candace Sams

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Fated Mates box set is available now for preorder! 

In the meantime check out this excerpt from Candace Sams' story!

Declan stood at the bar, drank the goblet of blood he'd been offered and turned to see who might saunter into the ballroom. Since their host had no problem with dozens of vampires arriving from all over the world, at all hours of the night, he had no issue with staring at them and waiting to see who he knew, and who he didn't.

Some of the arriving crowd were already in full party mode. By adding absinthe, hemlock and a number of plant extracts of the deadly nightshade families to their bloody drinks, quite a number of guests attending this year's Halloween gala were already high as a proverbial kite, despite the fact that holiday was still three days away.

Many vampires these days got their kicks by spiking blood with all manner of strange and exotic concoctions. That was how life rolled when an eternal existence become either too long or too boring.

He, on the other hand, was quite satisfied with the normal blood drained from steaks or taken from livestock in such small amounts that no humans ever noticed.

Nobody went around biting and draining victims in dark alleys anymore, not unless the circumstances were very dire. Since humans nowadays could communicate worldwide in the matter of seconds, no member of the undead set—all of whom were still unknown to the world's population—wanted to draw attention to possible vampiric existence. Vampires especially didn't want to draw attention from those in law enforcement occupations, whose job it was to locate an eyelash in any crime scene and trace it to its owner, halfway across the planet.

No, the behavior of vampires these days was decidedly tame. Nobody did anything to endanger the peaceful anonymity of all the covens. Everybody got along, no one quibbled. Each of them had their own fortunes and anonymous lives to maintain. He was no different.

A flash of red hair captured his attention and a smiling face he was heartily glad to see moved amongst the arriving partiers. When she saw him, she waived excitedly and breezed into the ballroom with open arms.

"God, Declan! It's so good to see you again," she gushed.

He readily and happily accepted her warm hug. "Lena, you're as beautiful as ever."

"Don't try your charms on me, you rascal. I'm older and know bullshit when I hear it," she told him as she released him from her embrace.

He laughed, shook his head and ordered her a goblet of blood from the barkeep. In his time, a man mentioning a lady's age would have been considered nothing but a cad, so he let her comment pass. The truth of the matter was, she was barely a decade older than him. They'd both seen a lot of life and too much of what humanity could do to itself.

Lena took her beverage before turning to him again. "So, how have the past two years been for you?"

"Can't complain. Made money. Spent some. Nothing to write in my diary."

"I wish I could say the same," she replied, then sipped some of her blood. "I guess you've heard why I couldn't make it to the party the last couple of years."

He nodded. "Is she here?"

"She is. It was finally safe to get her out of North America, but I held my breath the entire time. I don't mind telling you, I've become quite fond of Becca, but her situation is one I'd never want to repeat."

"I didn't see anyone come inside with you?"

"That's because she's still wandering around the landscape, outside. I think she's a bit nervous about meeting everyone. Oh, she wouldn't say so, but I can tell."

"This is her first time around so many of us?"

"It is," Lena acknowledged. "She likes topretend she's tough. And she is. But you and I came from a time when it waseasier to hide. These days, no one can hide for very long if they aren'texceedingly careful and I think she fears being outed..." she let her words trailaway.    

New story next Friday! Aria xxx

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