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Lily's POV
6:57 pm

"Lily, I need some money." Petunia barged into my room and started rifling through my shelves.

"Why?" I questioned, putting my copy of The Tales of Beedle the Bard face down next to me on my bed.

"I'm going to dinner with Vernon; there's food in the fridge, I'm sure you'll find something." She had moved over to the drawers in my desk now, frantically rummaging through them without consideration for my things. "Quickly, he'll be here any minute."

I sighed, the quicker I give her money, the quicker she'll leave. I half-leaned out of my bed, stretching my arm beneath it and feeling around. Eventually, my fingers met the cold metal of my money tin; it was designed like a traditional red telephone box.

I took some notes out and handed them to her. "I'll be expecting these back," I said.

She gave a little hmph, stuck her nose in the air and spun on her heel to leave. Once she reached the door, she turned and said, "I won't be back 'til late. Don't wait up."

Petunia had been staying out late ever since our parents had left for their three-week vacation to Greece. They had left some money for us to spend on food and other necessities, which she could have used.

I heard the front door slam and Vermin's car pull into the driveway. I peeked out of my window and watched as a ginormous whale got out of drivers door, walked around and kissed Petunia's cheek. Gagging, I slumped back down onto my bed, picked up my book and continued reading.


It reached nine o'clock and my stomach was starting to rumble. Deciding it was time to eat, I abandoned my book and went downstairs.

In the fridge, there was not a single meal-worthy ingredient insight. The only thing to be found was a solitary tin of anchovies. "Eugh," I scrunched up my nose and shut the fridge door.

I guessed I'd have to order food and go grocery shopping the next day.

After calling a Chinese store we had been to so regularly I didn't need to look at the menu on our fridge door, I went back upstairs. A pile of clean laundry I had been neglecting to do was staring at me. Sighing, I got up and began folding the clothes and putting them one by one into my wardrobe. Twenty minutes later there was a knock at the door.

"Coming," I called, grabbing the money off my desk and racing out of my room.

I shrieked as my foot suddenly slipped out from beneath me and I tumbled down to the base of the stairs. I landed with a heavy thud.

"Ouch," I said, getting up and rubbing my now bruised backside.

"Alright there?" A voice called through the door.

"Um, fine thanks," I answered, pulling the door open. "Oh."

There stood James Potter, a white take-out bag in hand. He grinned at me, his free hand immediately flying up to his hair. He had grown, it seemed, and his shoulders were broader. Without invitation, he ducked under the threshold and strode into my kitchen, leaning against the counter.

"Took you long enough, Evans," he grinned again, placing the bag beside him. I followed him through to the kitchen, baffled.

"Potter," I started. "So you're a delivery boy now, huh?"

He chuckled in response. "No, you were just taking too long—"

I huffed, placing my hands on my hips, irritably.

"—so I paid him and waited for you."

"Well, thanks," I said uncertainly. "But I think it's past time for you to leave."

"Actually." He rubbed the back of his neck. "Marlene came over to visit Sirius so I'm giving them some privacy for a while. You were the first person I thought of... I sort of have nowhere else to go."

"You mean Sirius kicked you out?" I laughed.

"Something like that." His hand flew to his hair again. "So, Evans, how have your holidays been?"

I looked at him sceptically, raising an eyebrow. "Quiet. That is until you showed up."

He nodded, humming to himself.

Suddenly the front door was ripped open, Petunia stormed inside, shouting over her shoulder at Vernon, her hideous boyfriend.

"Come on, Honey-Bun, they didn't mean it," he called from the car.

Petunia slammed the door and stormed into the kitchen, steam practically blowing from her ears. "How dare they... and he didn't even... don't get me started on his god-awful sister... Marjorie... repulsive..." she spoke frantically, peering out at the drive through the kitchen window.

I cleared my throat as Vermin's car pulled out of the driveway. Petunia spun around, looking between Potter and me, eyebrow raised.

"Oh, who's this?" she batted her eyes at him.

"James Potter," he said, grinning and shaking her hand.

Petunia took it, shaking it slowly.

I stifled a laugh. "We go to school together."

Petunias eyes bulged dangerously as she dropped his hand as if she'd been burned. "Well," she sniffed, "obviously. You won't be staying long, I gather."

"Actually..." I stepped forward. "He will be. He's staying the night."

"I am?" Potter looked at me, comically.

I elbowed him in the ribs, shooting him a pointed look.

"Uh—yeah, I am."

"We'll be going now," I said grabbing my food and Potter by the wrist, pulling him upstairs.

I quickly ushered him into my room, before closing the door loud enough for her to hear.

"What in Merlins—"

"Shhh," I hushed, covering his mouth with my hand. Petunia humphed loudly, before hurriedly storming upstairs into her room. I heard her door close with a satisfactory thud.

"Eugh," I pushed him away, wiping my hand on my shirt. He stumbled back, falling onto my bed.

"Ah," he said patting the duvet on either side of him. "This will do nicely."

"What?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Well, I'm staying the night aren't I?"

"You are not staying the night," I said firmly.

"But you just—"

I had planned to sneak him out through the window now, and just tell Petunia he had to leave early when she asked the next morning. No, Petunia would never believe that. I sighed dejectedly, slumping down to the floor and staring up at the ceiling.

"Evans," Potter said, his face appearing upside-down beside me.

I turned my head to my left, trying to block him out.

"Evans," he relented, poking my shoulder. "It's almost ten o'clock. I can't go anywhere at this time of night."

I shifted to look at the small clock at my desk. Squinting my eyes, I managed to make out the little numbers. 9:47, he's right.

I sat up, begrudgingly, and faced him. "Fine. You can stay—"

He perked up, eyes wide.

"—in the Guest Bedroom."

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