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I found it hard to get to sleep that night. A million things were running through my head at once, my mind unable to rest. It was the early hours of the morning when I finally fell into a light and uneasy sleep.


I woke with an uncomfortable feeling in my mouth. It was hot and sticky, and I didn't like it one bit.

I rolled off my bed, hopped across the cold hall to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. After washing my face, I reluctantly began the trek downstairs to face both Petunia and Potter. I could turn around now, I could totally just go back to bed right now. I don't know why I didn't.

"Morning," Potter grinned, ruffling his hair as I entered the kitchen.

I scowled and dragged myself over to the pantry, scanning it desperately for any food that could have miraculously appeared over-night. After finding little more than scraps, I moved from the overhead cabinets to the ones under the counter, crouching down to get a better look. There was nothing.

"Damn." I stood up, momentarily forgetting the open overhead cabinets.


Potter loudly shifted in his seat, sniggering at my misfortune. Luckily, Petunia wasn't in the kitchen as of yet.

"Lily," I heard her shrill voice from the living room. "Go and get some groceries from the store, we're all out, and I'm sure your boyfriend doesn't appreciate not having any food to eat."

"He is not my boyfriend," I grumbled lowly.

Potter's grin got impossibly wider. I scrunched up my nose and spun around in a huff, grabbing the keys from the fruit bowl.

I heard movement behind me and turned to see that I was very, very close to running face-first into Potter's broad chest. He was so close that I could smell him; his cologne was nice, refreshing. Dammit.

"Where are we going?" Potter peered down at me.

"I am going to the grocery store. You can go home now, I'm sure." I took a large step backwards, returning to my senses.

"Come on, Evans. I've never been grocery shopping before."

I had to stop myself from visibly gawking. "What? Never?"

He nodded, shifting his weight from one foot to another. He looked nothing like the annoying prat I met in first-year.

I spun on my heel, quickly heading to the door. "Come on then."


"Grab a cart would you?"


"A shopping cart," I said, pointing at the corner of the store. "Over there."

James made a face, jogging over and grabbing one in the most difficult way possible. I considered just getting some pre-made food and leaving him here.

"Can I push it?" James grinned gleefully.

"Do you want to?" I raised an eyebrow, expecting him to reconsider.

"Of course, they're just like the ones at King's Cross."

"Okay." I started walking down the closest aisle, James following along closely. "Would you pick out a loaf while I go look at the cold section?"

"D'you mind what kind?" James stopped abruptly, eyes widening at the large array of breads and crackers before him.

"Not really, nothing too expensive."

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