Chapter 3: Is this love?

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In front of restaurant...

Lauren's POV

I am standing in front of this restaurant now, in the rainy weather, with umbrella above my head. I am becoming kinda nervous, I am afraid that Brooke forgot about my invitation and I don't even have her number. My thoughts were finally interrupted by some voice, but all I saw, was one unknown man.

"What is such a pretty lady as you doing outside, in this cold weather? Can I help you somehow?"

"I am waiting on my friend but don't worry, I will be okay. Thank you for caring." I smiled at him, he just nodded and left me alone. I must admit, he was pretty handsome.

"C'mon Brooke, show yourself, you must be somewhere!" I mumbled loud enough for Brooke's ears. I had no idea that she was there, she was hiding behind me for a longer time but decided to scare me from my back just now. Even though she scared me, my mood immediately changed to happy one. I don't know how she does this but she already has a big impact on my life.

"I am here, dummy!" 

"Geez Brooke, don't do that next time, please!"

"Because what? Don't tell me that you are a wimp!"

"Shut up, I am not! Shall we go inside?" I playfully slapped her shoulder as we entered the restaurant and sat behind the table.

In the restaurant...

"I can't believe I have a basketball rising star as my neighbour!" 

"What? How did you find it out?"

"I just typed Brooke Bailey on Google. Simple."

"Wow, I am impressed, you managed to remember my whole name, Lauren?"

"I am a mastermind with fast and long lasting memory. Don't underestimate me!" 

"Chill, lady. Do you wanna know the truth? It's also my pleasure to be a neighbour with a singing idol!"

"But you didn't know about Cimorelli before, smh!"

"Better not start an argument! You didn't know about me either!"

"Okay, I am sorry. So Brooke, tell me, do you have any siblings?"

"Yeah, one older brother, Jayden. He is 25 and gay." I shivered at that word GAY, I wonder if Brooke is too.

"Oh interesting, I have 10 other siblings, to be more accurate, I have 5 sisters and 5 brothers."

"That's absolutely crazy! I bet there can't be a boredom with so many siblings!"

"It's really crazy sometimes but having a huge family is fun! Would you like something to drink?"

"Yep, I am becoming kinda thirsty now. Can I have an orange juice?"

"Nice choice, I love orange too." Soon, I came back with two juices and chesnut cake as a dessert.

"What are your hobbies except basketball, Brooke?" Talking suddenly didn't seem so difficult, not with her.

"Well, I guess I have just one more hobby, firefighting. I love it, even though it's dangerous, nothing can replace the feeling that you saved someone's life. Saving people is my life mission!"

"You must be very brave! And when it comes to me, I like swimming, drawing, skateboarding, running, flag football, etc...I am that type of person who is interested in sports and of course, music the most!"

"Who led you to start a music career?"

"Well, thanks to my mom, who is composer and pianist, all my siblings who were born before me were already singing or playing on some instrument, so I had to continue the family tradition. All of my siblings learned how to sing around 2 or 3 and in 2007, we officially started our music group, Cimorelli. It is named after our surnames and the band consists of me, as you already know and my other five sisters. Christina is the oldest, the founder and our leader. Katherine is second oldest, tallest and our bassist. Lisa is our drummer and specialist when it comes to high notes. Amy is the smallest one and she plays on guitar and piano. I play on piano, tambourine and now, I am learning how to play on guitar. My voice type is light lyric soprano, in contrast of Lisa, I have more soothing, thinner voice. And for the end, here is Dani, the youngest one and she loves to play on electric guitar."

"Oh crap, it's mum, I should go now!" Brooke showed me her phone as a proof. Knowing that she must already leave kinda saddened me. I would love to spend more time with her.

"Thank you for coming and letting me know more about yourself!"

"Well, thank yourself for arranging it!"

"But I wouldn't arrange all of this, if I didn't bump into you!"

"I guess God planned that for some reason for a longer time." Brooke winked at me and I almost lost it. If she had a clue how much I already liked her.

"Maybe, you are right. But I don't regret it! Can I have your number?" 

"Of course, Laur. We are friends and neighbours, so why not?"

"Thank you, here is mine!"

"I gotchu lady, it was nice seeing you, now I must go and help my mom!"

"Sure go, after all, we basically live close to each other, so meeting each other won't be that big deal! Have a nice day, Brooke!"

Lisa's POV

I came to pick Lauren kinda earlier that she expected. I saw her happily talking with that new neighbour. It was obvious that they liked each other, I meant, more than in friendly way. I quietly hid behind the door when Brooke was about to leave that place, making sure she wouldn't notice me. When the air was clean and fresh, I decided to announce a little surprise for my younger sister.

"I guess the date is already over?"

"Lisa! It wasn't a date! What are you doing here? Weren't you supposed to come here later?"

"Be glad that I came at all. I have to tell you something includes Brooke."

"Brooke? What it is, tell me!"

"Well, Lo. I got you a ticket to basketball game! I found it out that Brooke will be playing for Nashville Stars against Utah Jazz! You don't wanna miss seeing your crush in action, right?"

"I can't wait to see that match!"

Brooke's POV

Since Lauren told me about her band today, I became even more obsessed with Cimorelli. I was looking at some of their YouTube videos when my girlfriend, Alessia barged into my room.

"I think I heard some Cimorelli song? Why are you watching them, Brooke? You were never into music!"

"I wasn't but that doesn't mean that I can't change my view of it!"

"It is because of that Lauren girl?"

"What are you even talking about?"

"Don't play on stupid! You know about what! I saw you having fun with her today!"

"So you were stalking us? That's not nice!"

"But I am your girlfriend and I should know what's going on with you!"

"Don't tell me that you are jealous?"

"Bingo and guess what? I can't withstand this anymore, tomorrow, I am moving back to Boston and my feelings for you are fading away after this! I am breaking up with you, Brooke!"

"Wanna know the truth? I don't mind it because I like Lauren. Yeah, I already have stronger feelings for her than for you, so I can move on!"

"But does she like you back?" Alessia slammed the door and left me forever. But I couldn't stop thinking about her last sentence. Can Lauren like me back? Is this love? 

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