Chapter 8: Who Am I?

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Brooke's POV

It's already a week now since Lauren woke up and she is fighting with this difficult situation as much as she can. However, she still doesn't know anybody which caused her family to completely fall apart. Everybody is broken and devastated, if it's her parents, brothers or sisters, all of them are upset. I always try to lift their mood and mentally support them but nothing helps, it's just getting worse and worse. I was observing Lauren's abandoned room when some crying interrupted me. I rushed towards that sound and saw Dani holding her guitar while sitting on her bed. She looked so weak and sad as her eyes were fulfilling with her own tears. I came to comfort her.

"Dan, are you okay? What's wrong?" I hugged her tightly.

"L-Lauren. She doesn't remember me, right?" I nodded, causing her to cry even more.

"Brooke, this can't be real. She forgot about her family, about her job, about our Sugar and Spice show, about everything wonderful we experienced together. Lauren was the closest sister to me, we always stack together and helped each other. She forgot about her little Spice, why exactly she? I should have been there that time, if our family didn't go outside, maybe this wouldn't happen."

"Hey, Dan. C'mon, calm down and don't cry. It won't help you. Look, I know how hard it is for you now but Lauren will get her memory back, I can feel it. She is a fighter and she doesn't give up so easily. Tomorrow, we are gonna pick her up from hospital and till then, we are gonna think about something how to get her memory back, I promise."

"I am so glad to have you in my life, Brooke, you are an amazing friend. Lauren chose wisely."

Next  day...

Lauren's POV

I still can't remember anything but I can still feel the uncomfortable pain. My head aches so bad and my body is very sensitive as well. If only I knew why Am I laying here, wrapped in bandages. 

"Lauren Cimorelli, time to go home. Your condition is getting better, you will be okay. Just don't forget to use this ointment, then your burns can heal faster. Here is someone waiting on you behind the door. Someone very close to you."

"Doctor, I don't wanna see anyone, I don't know anyone!" I tried to avoid meeting people but doctor already left.

"Hey, Lauren. We are your family and we are ready to pick to up and go back home." I looked at 12 people standing in front of my bed and immediately started panicking.

"Police! Someone call the police! They wanna kidnap me!" I started kicking with my legs and protecting myself from that unknown people. I don't trust them, it's hilarious to be a family members with 12 other people! I am sure this is some wicked gang! They are planning something on me!

Brooke's POV

All 12 of us went to hospital, to pick up Lauren. I know, here are 12 other members in Cimorelli family except her but Alex became ill, so he couldn't come. We entered Lauren's room but she started behaving very crazy. She almost kicked me into face. She was screaming like sense removed. Her behavior caught attention of the doctors, they grabbed her from all sides of her body and carefully but quickly put the suspension injection into her veins. After a few seconds, she fell asleep, I gently picked her up from the heavy bed and carried her in my arms.

Lauren's POV

I woke up in some bed but that wasn't the hospital one. I opened my eyes properly to see one short haired girl standing next to my bed.

"Who are you and how even I ended up there?"

"Lauren, I am Lisa. Your older sister and you finally got back home. You are laying in your room at the moment."

"Why should I believe you? Why are here musical instruments around me?"

"Ladybug, you are a singer. You have five sisters and you are in the band called Cimorelli with all of us." I didn't know why I got that feeling that I knew that nickname from somewhere.

"Me and a singer? That sounds ridiculous!"

"Really? Then try to sing! Repeat the tones after me!" I opened my mouth and stayed in shock after that. I really can sing, suddenly all of this makes sense.

"Me and you are the only sopranos in the band. I can prove it to you!" Lisa grabbed the notebook and typed Cimorelli into the app called YouTube.

"Now, look in the mirror!" 

"That girl and I look like the same!"

"Because you are the same! You are the only one Lauren Cimorelli!"

"Yeah I am so, you and the other girls are my sisters?"

"Yeah, Ladybug, look." Lisa called all of them and suddenly everything about my family came back into my mind.

"Christina? Katherine? Lisa? Amy? Dani?" I looked at them and smiled a bit.

"Oh gosh, Sugar, you remember us! Guys, she got her memory back!" Dani squealed from happiness but then accidentally one unknown girl appeared here. I wonder if she knows me... Who is she, she is so pretty...

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