Chapter 12: Plan

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Lauren's POV

"Dan, whatcha doing here so early? Wanna borrow some of my clothes?"

"No, Sugar, you have to be quiet, now. I came to warn you!" She looked still out of breath.

"Warn me? Why? And why that scant of breath?"

"I was running from our parents and I managed to get here just before ten seconds, so that's why. And listen, our mum is planning something to tear you and Brooke apart."

"That sounds ridiculous! Why would she do that?"

"Laur, I caught her speaking about it with dad. You have to do something against it, if you don't want to lose Brooke!"

"Lauren? Where are you? Did you forget about our meeting, it's the time!" My ears caught mum.

"Sorry, mum, I will be right there! Dani, better go now!" I mumbled.

"So, here you are. Okay, I thought about this a lot and finally made the decision. You have to move in!"

What? But why, mom? I am happy here!"

"Listen, since you are the best pianist from all of your sisters, I want you to study music composing, in New York! What if I die, then who will take that place after me? We need to keep our family music tradition, do you understand me?"

"But why exactly me, mom? I don't wanna go and study there! What will be with the band without me?"

"The band will handle everything and stay also without you. You are leaving it here tomorrow and I don't want to talk about it anymore!"

"It is because of Brooke, right?!" I yelled at her and went back to my room with the biggest anger ever. I couldn't believe that Dani was right. I looked at my music studio and after a while, I grabbed all of the music stuff and harshly threw it on floor, so they could break into pieces. Music just ruined my life!

Brooke's POV

I was watching Netflix when something noisy interrupted my chill moment. Someone was knocking at my door, constantly and desperately. I decided to solve this problem. I stood up from my comfy sofa and carefully opened the door. What I saw then, broke my heart. It was she but all her beauty was gone, Lauren was shattered. 

"Hey, love, what's wrong? Speak with me, why are you even crying! I hate seeing you like this, Lo!"

"I knew that, I knew that." She just kept repeating.

"You knew what?!"

"My mom...she wants to tear us apart!"

"Stop saying nonsenses, you know that our families support us!"

"Really, then why would she do that? She wants me to leave tomorrow and I should go to study music in New York!"

"Oh shoot!"

"You see, I have a freaking reason why I am crying now. I don't wanna leave my beautiful wife, the love of my life, it fucking hurts. Why do I have to be a musician, it just ruins my life! I am tired of this fame, I wanted to finally focus more on my personal life but someone must always inhibit something beautiful."

"Look, Lo and chill. We can handle our love, it will be so hard but I promise that I will wait on you here. Music is your life, don't throw away this life opportunity!"

"But I can't live without you, Brooke!"

"Laur, you must learn how to live also without your loved ones, if you really love me, then just leave!"

"Brooke, can I spent my last day with you here? It's my last goodbye!"

"Sure, Laur. Everything to make you feel better and hey, don't cry, everything will be okay, you won't lose me, okay?"

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