Chapter One

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Snowflakes gently swayed in the chill wind, drifting slowly to the ground. A layer of frost had formed over seemingly everything overnight. The dark tabby tom felt numb and cold, but gradually he had begun to get used to the weather. He did still long to be warm beside a fire. I just can't live a life like that anymore. Darken got to his paws and walked out from behind the dumpster. Time to find food. I don't think I will have much luck with trying to find rats. I might find something in the trash.

The scrawny tom leaped atop the big metal dumpster, then he began to dig through the contents inside. As he searched hopelessly, he spotted something he could hardly believe. A whole entire steak - perhaps a few bites were taken from it, but it was a meal he'd never seen in the trash before. With excitement, Darken took the steak in his mouth and placed it at his paws, taking a quick bite and swallowing. Now this, it was better than any sort of prey or kittypet food. It wasn't long before he'd eaten the entire steak, and Darken's hunger was satisfied. He leaned back, swiping his tongue over his muzzle.

"Wow," he murmured, "That was great!"

Then he began to think. What kind of human would ever throw that food away? That was so delicious! But he surely wasn't complaining; he was glad he'd found it. With a sense of renewed energy, Darken leaped off the dumpster and back onto the concrete ground. There isn't much to do here, but I could attempt to hunt some rats and start some sort of pile.. I might as well.

It seemed like a good idea.

Darken lifted his muzzle to draw in the air, when unexpectedly, the strong scent of a tomcat filled the air. Eyes widening, the dark tabby looked around, then at the far end of the alley, a feline stood.

"Who are you?" Darken questioned warily.

The tom made his way forward; he was scrawny and looked quite awful. But he dismissed the question, his tail swaying.
"I saw you found yourself a steak there."

Darken blinked. How long had this cat been watching him?

"Well. Good for you," the unknown cat sat down when he'd approached him, and Darken got a better look at him. He had scars littering his body. His pelt was a bluish-gray. "Those are rare."

"I know."

"I take it you're used to living here? You seem like an alley cat to me," the cat spoke casually, deciding to lick his paw a bit.

Darken nodded, "Yes, I've lived here for quite some time.." And he looked down.

"Good. I didn't figure you were one of those foolish Clan cats. Besides, they would never come here anyway."

Darken looked at the cat, suddenly aware of the fact this cat might have fought alongside him. He had to ask.

"Did you fight in BloodClan?" Darken questioned him hastily.

The cat looked surprised. "Me? No. I'm just a plain old alley cat. Oh, but I would have loved to fight with them. I heard they lost the battle, though. I spoke with one passing through here once. I'd take any chance I could get to shred some Clan kitties! Their ridiculous rules and warrior code which they regard as oh so important and noble. If they're so noble as they claim, why not let us have some of that prey? We're starving here. Ridiculous. They think they're all high and mighty. Don't get me started on their StarClan beliefs..."

"Oh, well I just.. assumed you might have been one considering all the scars you have," Darken murmured. Poor cat. Poor, ignorant cat! All alley cats and loners and rogues and, even kittypets and his family, believed as he did. That the Clan cats were vicious and savages. But, StarClan was real! Sadly, he realized this cat sounded just like Thistle. Thistle, he wondered if he still felt the same way about Clan cats. They were noble! They lived under rules and beliefs, and he had no idea, but he was certain they didn't steal food from each other like BloodClan did when times were rough. They seemed to be more unified...

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