C h a p t e r : 41

276 25 10

June 18th, 2016

Today was a rehearsal day for Chris' tour and as promised, I showed up to practice with them. Both Tey and Toni were here to show their support and I was so appreciative of this.

"Ok Yas, Imma need you to stand right here next to Brianna." Right in the front? Oh my gosh.

"O-oh ok." I said nervously.

"Don't think about it too much. Just perform at your best and you got this." Chris encouraged as he took a seat.

"Sure, no pressure." I mumbled sarcastically and took a deep breath. "Aight! Let's do the short piece for 'Anyway' from the top!" Chris said playing the song.

The first try was a bit crappy and I felt embarrassed. I held my head down and Toni came over and hugged me.

"You're doing great baby but you need ta get out of ya head. I've seen you do dis routine before so I know you can blow it out da park. Just breathe and think about ya dream. You've always wanted to dance with Chris and now you doing it. Things may have been a bad start at first but look at where that path has taken you. The sooner you realize that da sooner you can accept the reality that you've been dreaming about and live in it right now." Toni's words helped me to remember some of the things I had forgotten about myself and this was one of them. Being around Chris has become so normal for me that I completely forgot that I had such a dream once upon a time. It's finally happening now!

"Thanks baby. I really needed that." I felt my confidence returning and remember how hard I used to train before I had Xi and it was like I felt myself aligning with my goals again. I had forgotten but now I remember and I'm here. God has brought me this far. I smiled and took my space again.

"Alright guys! Let's go again! I'll be dancing with you this time. From the top!" Chris nudged his head at Toni and I took a deep breath and shook my nerves away.

The music started and I began the choreography, killing it this time. After rewatching the take everyone was impressed by how well I did and Chris made me an official member of his team.

"Yassss! Go best friend!" Tey cheered as I walked over to them.

"Tey told me you could dance but this is another level Yas. I didn't know you had this in you." Chris expressed while watching the rerun. "I thought you mostly did that contemporary stuff." He said doing a few moves that made the others laugh.

"I do all genres Chris." I laughed sitting in Toni's lap.

"That's my baby." He smacked my butt before I sat and kissed my cheek.

"Alright let's run it a few more times then move on to the next dance." Chris said passing the iPad back to Tey.


After diner, Yasmine and I went out on my pool patio and just cuddled in the hammock. I was in deep thought about something I've been pondering on for a while now. I decided to ask Yasmine about it.

"Babe..." I said holding her closely. She looked up at me from her phone and smiled.

"Yes baby?"

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