Chapter 2: AW Concert tickets

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~Hi readers, just so you know that......YOU'RE AWESOME!!!! XD And this pic is not mine. Credit goes to the photographer. Also, I LOVE ALAN WALKER!!!! 

Alex's P.O.V

"Damn it, I'm going to be late to class!!" I yelled to myself. "Oh shi-" The bell rang. As I'm running I see a celebrity going down the hall and his hoodie seems to be the name of Alan Walker. I was wondering how I even remembered the name, then it hit me. It was on Y/N's backpack and sweater yesterday, "Wait, isn't that Y/N's favorite music artist? I'm going to get some tickets for me and her. Man I can't wait to surprise her once I lay a hand on those tickets." (AnD No He AiN't GOnnA geT soME Pu$$y......ok I lied....XD. I'll even do a lemon for you guys, just comment down below.) 

"Umm...hi." Just when I was about to say something else, his body guards quickly surrounded me and told me, "Hey kid, what do you think you're doing??!!!" "Oh uhh sorry I just wanted to get an autograph by him and maybe possibly getting 2 tickets for his concert." One of them said, "No, he won't be taking autographs and you will not get any tickets for his concert. If you want to get tickets, then get them online. The last ones are December 16-23. SO GET THEM NOW OR YOU WON'T GET THE CHANCE!!!!" 

(Ok, his concert is not actually that date, but who knows if it is....) I said to the guard, "Oh but please!!!! It's for a friend of mine, he/she needs the tickets!!!" "Well.......TOO BAD. SUCK IT UP, BUTTERCUP!!!!" "Hey!!!!" A voice said, "That's enough. I'm so sorry, you'll have to excuse him for his rude behavior." I turned around only to see Alan Walker. I was so amazed that I just stood there like an idiot, until Alan Walker said, "Hey kid, you alright?" I nodded. "Well okay. Whats your name?" "Well my name is Alex." "So I heard you say that you wanted tickets to see my concert? Is that correct or do I have ear wax in my ears?" "Yes sir, that is correct." "Well in that" "Oh my god thanky- what???!!!!!" "Hahaha just kidding. You should have seen your face. Too hilarious. Anyway wait here and I'll get some for you, alright?" 

He left only to come back 20 seconds later. "Aw yeah, thanks Mr. Alan Walker!!!" "Hey, you can just call me Alan. No need to empathize how my name should be called. Well then, take care. See ya around sport. Oh and can you give me your friends number? I'd really like chat with them." "Yeah, see ya." Wow, he's so cool. I never thought I would get some tickets. Man, wait till I tell y/n about this, he/she will be so happy!!

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